Showing posts with label Dangerous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dangerous. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fear factor/ hazardous action scene perform in Indian Railway Train Mumbai

Fear Factor : Some senseless/ ill-mind child perform action film scene in Railway Train Mumbai

In Mumbai some child perfom idiotic things, So fearfull things/ unbelievable actions in train and make videos.
And one such Video, I downloaded from youtube after reading about in News Papers.

It is so dangerous/ horrorful action that one may die if something little wrong. You just see video and say what is your about such child.

I felt such things should not be performed in Trains as it can be dangerous and can lead to death.

We should call to railway authority to stop such non-sense action /  ill-mindset things. 

When one child in there gang perform such action then another child inducive inspire to perform better action than him. And such cumulative effect can bring to death.