Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gene for human height

Scientist have discovered(first time) a gene for height HMGA2

Scientist analysed 5000 people from Britain, Sweden and Finland and found 90% heridity is the cause of height.
But if HMGA-2 gene is placed in such a way -

'C' (for cytosine) instead of a 'T' (for thymine) – adds nearly a centimetre in height to people who inherited this variant from both parents. Those who got the 'C' variant from only one of their parents were about half a centimetre taller than their 'T' counterparts.

i.e A difference 1 c.m height can be possible through HMGA-2 gene.

Research is going on and may get more genes in this direction.

To know more - (Gene for human height revealed )

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