Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Internet Chating /Slang - Chat - Vocabulary

Internet Slangs / Slang Vocabulary / Chating

AFAIC — "as far as I'm concerned", or "as far as I care", or "as far as I can..."

AFAIK — "as far as I know"

AFAIR — "as far as I recall", or "as far as I remember"

AFK — "away from keyboard"

ASAP — "as soon as possible"

BBL — "be back later"

BBS — "be back soon"

BFD — "big fucking deal"

BRB — "be right back" (usually used in chats and on an instant messenger service).

BTW — "by the way"

B2B — "Business to Business"

C&V — Chapter & Verse. Used in newsgroups.

C N>K — a Unix -ism meaning "coffee through nose into keyboard"

cya — "see you", used as a goodbye.

CU — "see you", used as a goodbye.

CYS — "Check your settings". A phrase often said by technical support staff of a certain Australian ISP.

FAQ — "Frequently Asked Question"

FFS — "for fuck's sake!"

FOAF — "friend of a friend", i.e. the dubious attribution given to urban legends

FYI — "for your information"

G2G — "got to go". Used in chatrooms.

GAGF — "go and get fucked"

GFY — "good for you" or "go fuck yourself". The use of this acronym is ambigious and not recommended.

GG — "good going" or "good game". Used sincerely in online games such as trivia, but more often used sarcastically when someone has done something foolish. Also, it is now becoming customary for all players to say "gg" when the game is over in such games as Counter-Strike , unless a player is profoundly displeased with the outcome.

GJ — Good Job

HAND — "have a nice day"

HTH — "hope this helps"

IANAL — "I am not a lawyer". Usually used before a non-lawyer gives legal advice, as a humorous disclaimer.

IANARS — "I am not a rocket scientist"

IC — "I see", also, "in character" in MUDs and role-playing games .

ICYDK / ICYDN / ICUDK -- "In case you didn't know."

IIRC — "if I recall correctly" c.f. ISTR

IMHO — "in my humble opinion" / "in my honest opinion"

IMO — "in my opinion"

IMNSHO — "in my not-so-humble opinion"

IRC — "Internet Relay Chat"

IRL - "in real life". Used in MUD settings.

ISTR — "I seem to recall" (i.e. I'm not really sure) c.f. IIRC

IYDMMA — "if you don't mind me asking", for ex., "IYDMMA, are you a virgin?"

JJ or JK (j/k) — "just joking", "just kidding"

Joo — synonym of you. Also spelled j00 with a lower case j and two zeroes rather than two O's.

JOOC — "just out of curiosity"

k — short for "OK"

l8 — a shorthand spelling of "late".

l8r — a shorthand spelling of "later", meaning "see you later" (see leet )

LIEK — synonym of like, as in "I like that website".

LMAO — "laughing my ass off"

LOL — "laughing out loud", or "lots of laughs" (a reply to something amusing)

MYOB — "mind your own business"

NM (n/m) — "never mind" or "not much"

NOYB — "none of your business"

NP — "No Problem"

NSFW — "Not safe for work." Material (pictures, webpages) not suitable for the office, but for the home instead. Used by Fark . See SFW.

NT — "No Text", used on Internet forums or Usenet to indicate that a post has no content

O — "oh"

OIC — "oh, I see"

OMG — Exclamation, "Oh my God!!"

OMFG — Exclamation, "Oh my fucking God!!"

OMFL — Exclamation, "Oh my fucking lag!"

OOC — "out-of-character&qu ot;. Used on MUDs and other role-playing games . Also, "out of curiosity."

OT — "off topic"

OTOH — "on the other hand"

own - to defeat someone (used commonly when playing Counter-Strike ) or to humiliate someone tactically in a debate; something that is extremely cool (ex. BMWs totally own).

PFO — "please fuck off"

PITA — "pain in the ass"

PO (PO'd) — "piss off" ("pissed off")

prog — "computer program" (progz in plural)

prolly — contracted form of "probably"

plz — shorthand spelling of "please"

Pwn — step up of the word own. To "Pwn something" means to have complete control over it, and to be "Pwned by something" means to be dominated by it. (see leet )

P2P — Person to Person

qoolz — something that is "cool" in the American sense.

R — shorthand spelling of "are"

RL — "real life". Used in MUD settings.

ROFL (or ROTFL) — "rolling on the floor laughing" (a reply to something extremely amusing).

ROFLMAO (or ROTFLMAO) — "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off"

r0x0rz — leet speaks for "rocks"

RTFA — "read the fucking article" applies mostly to Slashdot threads, for users who make comments on a story without having read it first.

RTFM — "read the fucking manual" (often sanitized to "read the fine manual"). The frequent reply to a request for basic help from newbies who have not attempted to find the answer for themselves.

RU — Are You?

R8 — right

SFW — "Safe for work." Material (pictures, webpages) that is safe for the office. Used by Fark . See NSFW.

STFU — "shut the fuck up"

sux0rs — leet speak for "sucks"

TBH — "to be honest"

thx — shorthand spelling of "thanks" - this can be combined into "kthx" (OK, thanks), "plzkthx" (Please, OK, thanks), and "kthxbye" (OK, thanks, goodbye)

TTFN — Ta Ta For Now

TIA — "thanks in advance"

TTYL — "talk to you later"

U — a shorthand spelling of "you"

ur — a shorthand spelling of "you're"

w/e — slang/abbreviation for whatever

w/o — without

WDUWTA —- "what do u wanna talk about?"

WTF — "what the fuck?"

YMMV — " Your mileage may vary " (you may see different results)

w00t — exclamation of excitement or happiness; closely related to, "hell yea!" (short for woohoo) or We Owned the Other Team

w8 — shorthand spelling of "wait".

X > * — definition of something [X] is better than everything [*].

<3 — "love" (made from the ASCII-art heart between the less than symbol and the three). Ex: I <3 you.

2B - To be

4 - for

Others express concepts peculiar to the Net:

cluebie — a newbie with a clue, but not close to a guru.

guru — an expert in some technical topic, such as as C programming or Unix system administration

FAQ — frequently asked question, or a list of frequently asked questions with answers. Never seems to be written in small letters.

flamer — one who 'flames'; To rant on about some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently ridiculous attitude or with hostility towards a particular person or group of people. "Flame" is used as a verb ("Don't flame me for this"), a flame is a single flaming message. Also is likely to relate to the term lamer.

hijack — go offtopic. done commonly by newbies in forums.

troll — a person who deliberately stirs up trouble (see article).

lurker — one who reads an email list or a message board but does not participate in the discussion.

newbie — a new user. Not a pejorative term (but see RTFM, preceding).

noob — a new user. Also spelled n00b, with two zeroes rather than two O's

*g* - grin

g/f - girlfriend

g/g - got to go

g0 - go

g1 - good one

g2/-/ - go to hell

g2bg - got to be going

g2cu - glad to see you

g2e - got to eat

g2g - got to go

g2g2tb - got to go to the bathroom

g2g2w - got to go to work

g2gb2wn - got to go back to work now

g2gn - got to go now

g2gp - got to go pee

g2gpp - got to go pee pee

g2h - go to hell

g2hb - go to hell bitch

g2p - got to pee

g2t2s - got to talk to someone

g3y - gay

g4u - good for you

g4y - good for you

g8 - gate

g@y - gay

ga - go ahead

gaf - good as fuck

gafi - get away from it

gafl - get a fucking life

gagf - go and get fucked

gah - gay ass homo

gai - gay

gaj - get a job

gal - get a life

gamez - illegally obtained games

gaoep - generally accepted office etiquette principles

gawd - god

gb - Go back

gbtw - go back to work

gbu - god bless you

gby - good bye

gcad - get cancer and die

gcf - Google Click Fraud

gd - good

gd&r - grins, ducks, and runs

gd4u - Good For You

gday - Good Day

gdby - good bye

gded - grounded

gdgd - good good

gdi - God Damn it

gdiaf - go die in a fire

gdih - Go die in hell

gdmfpos - god damn mother fucking piece of shit

gdr - grinning, ducking, running

geto - ghetto

gewd - good

gey - gay

gf - girlfriend

gfad - go fuck a duck

gfadh - go fuck a dead horse

gfam - Go Fuck A Monkey

gfas - go fuck a sheep

gfe - Girl Friend experience

gfe2e - grinning from ear to ear

gfg - good fucking game

gfi - good fucking idea

gfj - good fucking job

gfo - go fuck off

gfu - go fuck yourself

gfus - go fuck yourself

gfx - graphics

gfy - good for you

gfyd - go fuck your dad

gfym - go fuck your mom

gfys - go fuck yourself

gg - good game

gga - good game all

ggg - Go, go, go!

ggnore - good game no rematch

ggp - gotta go pee

gh - good half

ghey - gay

gigig - get it got it good

gigo - garbage in garbage out

gilf - Grandma I'd like to fuck

gim - google instant messanger

gimme - give me

gimmie - give me

gir - google it retard

gis - Google Image Search

giv - give

gj - good job

gjial - go jump in a lake

gjp - good job partner

gjsu - god just shut up

gjt - good job team

gkys - Go kill yourself

gl - good luck

gl hf - good luck, have fun

gl&hf - good luck and have fun

glbt - Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgenderd

glf - group looking for

glhf - good luck have fun

glln - Got Laid Last Night

glnhf - Good Luck and Have Fun

glty - Good luck this year

glu - girl like us

glwt - good luck with that

gm - good morning

gma - grandma

gmab - give me a break

gmabj - give me a blowjob

gmafb - give me a fucking break

gmao - Giggling my ass off

gmfao - Giggling My Fucking Ass Off

gmod - Global Moderator

gmta - great minds think alike

gmtyt - good morning to you too

gmv - Got my vote

gmybs - give me your best shot

gn - good night

gn8 - good night

gnfpwlbn - good news for people who love bad news

gngbng - gang bang

gnight - good night

gnite - good night

gnn - get naked now

gno - going to do

gnoc - get naked on cam

gnos - get naked on screen

gnr - Guns n' roses

gnrn - get naked right now

gnstdltbbb - good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite

goia - get over it already

goin - going

gok - God Only Knows

gokid - got observers - keep it decent

gol - giggle out loud

goml - get out of my life

gona - Gonna

gonna - going to

good9 - goodnite

gooh - get out of here!

goomh - get out of my head

gork - God only really knows

gow - gears of war

goya - Get Off Your Ass

goyhh - get off your high horse

gp - good point

gpb - gotta pee bad

gpwm - good point well made

gr8 - great

gr8t - great

grats - congratulations

gratz - congratulations

grfx - graphics

grillz - metal teeth

grl - girl

grog - beer

grrl - Girl

grtg - Getting ready to go

gsad - go suck a dick

gsave - global struggle against violent extremists

gsfg - Go search fucking google

gsi - go suck it

gsoh - Good Sense of Humor

gsp - get some pussy

gsta - Gangster

gt - get

gtas - go take a shit

gtb - Go To Bed

gtfa - Go The Fuck Away

gtfbtw - get the fuck back to work

gtfh - go to fucking hell

gtfo - get the fuck out

gtfon - Get the fuck out noob

gtfooh - get the fuck out of here

gtfu - grow the fuck up

gtfuotb - get the fuck up out this bitch

gtg - got to go

gtgfn - got to go for now

gtgp - got to go pee

gtgpp - got to go pee pee

gtgtb - got to go to bed

gtgtwn - Got to go to work now

gth - go to hell

gtha - go the hell away

gthb - go to hell bitch

gthmf - go to hell mothafucka

gthu - grow the heck up

gthyfah - go to hell you fucking asshole

gtk - good to know

gtn - getting

gtr - Got to run

gtty - good talking to you

gud - good

gudd - good

gurl - girl

guru - expert

gw - good work

gwm - gay white male

gwork - good work

gwrk - good work

gws - get well soon

gwytose - go waste your time on someone else

gyal - girl

gypo - Get Your Penis Out

roflmfao - rolling on the floor laughing my fucking ass off


h&k - hugs and kisses

h*r - homestar runner

h/e - However

h/mo - homo

h/o - hold on

h/u - hold up

h/w - homework

h2 - Halo 2

h2gtb - have to go to the bathroom

h2o - water

h4kz0r5 - hackers

h4x - Hacks

h4x0r - hacker

h4xor - hacker

h4xr - hacker

h4xx0rz - hacker

h8 - hate

h82sit - hate to say it

h8er - hater

h8r - hater

h8s - hates

h8te - hate

h8tr - hater

ha> - hacker

hafta - have to

hagd - have a good day

hagn - have a good night

hago - have a good one

hags - have a great summer

hai - hello

hait - hate

hak - here's a kiss

hakas - have a kick ass summer

hammrd - hammered

han - how about now

hav - have

hawt - hot

hawtie - hottie

hax - Hacks

hax0r - hacker

hax0red - hacked

hax0rz - Hackers

haxer - Hacker

haxor - hacker

haxoring - hacking

haxors - hackers

haxorz - hackers

haxxor - hacker

haxz0r - Hacker

haxzor - hacker

hayd - how are you doing

hb - hurry back

hbd - happy birthday

hbic - head bitch in charge

hbu - how about you

hby - how about you

hc - how come

hcihy - how can I help you

hdop - Help Delete Online Predators

heh - haha

hella - very

heya - hey

heyt - hate

heyy - hello

hf - have fun

hfn - Hell fucking no

hfs - holy fucking shit!

hg - HockeyGod

hhiadb - Holy Hole in a Donut Batman

hhok - Ha Ha Only Kidding

hi2u - hello

hi2u2 - hello to you too

hiet - height

hiik - Hell If I Know

hijack - start an off topic discussion

hith - how in the hell

hj - hand job

hl - Half-Life

hl2 - Half-Life 2

hla - Hot lesbian action

hlb - horny little bastard

hld - hold

hldn - hold on

hldon - hold on

hll - Hell

hlm - he loves me

hlp - help

hlysht - Holy shit

hmb - hold me back

hmewrk - homework

hmfic - head mother fucker in charge

hmw - homework

hmwk - homework

hng - horny net geek

ho - hold on

hoas - Hang on a second

holla - hey

homey - Friend

homie - good friend

homo - homosexual

hoopty - broke down automobile

hott - hot

howdey - hello

howz - hows

hpb - high ping bastard

hpybdy - happy birthday

hre - here

hru - how r u

hrud - how are you doing

hs - headshot

hsik - how should i know

hsr - homestar runner

hss - horse shit and splinters

hswm - Have Sex With me

htc - hit the cell

htf - how the fuck

hth - hope that helps

htr - hater

http - hyper text transfer protocol

hud - Heads Up Display

huggle - hug and cuddle

hugz - hugs

hun - honey

hv - have

hve - have

hw - homework

hw? - how?

hwg - here we go

hwga - here we go again

hwk - homework

hwmbo - he who must be obeyed

hwms - hot wild monkey sex

hxc - hardcore

hyg - here you go


i <3 u - I love you

i c - i see

i8 - alright

i8u - i hate you

i<3 u - i love you

i<3u - I love you

iab - I Am Bored

iafh - I Am Fucking Hot

iafi - I am from India

iag - it's all good

iah - i am horny

ianabs - I am not a brain surgeon

ianacl - I am not a copyright lawyer

ianal - I am not a lawyer

ianalb - I am not a lawyer, but..

ianars - I am not a rocket scientist

ians - I am Not Sure

ianyl - I am not your lawyer

iasb - i am so bored

iatb - I am the best

iateu - i hate you

iaw - In Another Window

iawtc - I agree with this comment

iawtp - I agree with this post

ib - I'm back

ibcd - Idiot between chair & desk

ibs - Internet Bitch Slap

ibtl - In Before The Lock

ic - I see

icbi - i can't believe it

icbiwoop - I chuckled, but it was out of pity.

icbt - i can't believe that

icbu - I can't believe you

icbyst - i cant believe you said that

icgup - I can give you pleasure

icic - I See. I See

icp - insane clown posse

icsrg - I can still reach Google

ictrn - I can't talk right now

icty - i can't tell you

icu - i see you

icudk - in case you didn't know

icup - i see you pee

icw - I care why?

icwudt - I see what you did there

icydk - in csae you didn't know

icydn - in case you didn't know

id10t - idiot

idbtwdsat - i dont believe they would do such a thing

idc - I don't care

iddi - I didn't do it

idec - I don't even care

idek - I don't even know

idfc - i dont fucking care

idfk - i dont fucking know

idgac - i don't give a crap

idgad - I don't give a damn

idgaf - i don't give a fuck

idgara - I don't give a rat's ass

idgas - i don't give a shit

idgi - I don't get it

idjit - idiot

idk - I don't know

idkbibt - I don't know but I've Been Told

idke - I don't know ethier

idkh - I don't know how

idkh2s - i don't know how to spell

idkt - I don't know that

idkw - I don't know why

idkwts - I don't know what to say

idkwurta - I don't know what you are talking about.

idky - i dont know you

idkymb2 - I didn't know yoru mom blogs too

idly - I don't like you

idn - i don't know

idonno - i do not know

idop - it depends on price

idr - I dont remember

idrk - i don't really know

idrts - I don't really think so

idsw - i don't see why

idtkso - i don't think so

idts - i don't think so

idunno - i do not know

iduwym - I don't understand what you mean.

idwk - I don't wanna know

idwt - i don't want to

idwtg - I don't want to go

iebkac - issue exists between keyboard and chair

ietf - internet engineering task force

iff - if and only if

ifhy - i fucking hate you

iflu - i fucking love you

ifthtb - i find that hard to belive

ig5oi - I got 5 on it

igahp - I've got a huge penis

igalboc - I've got a lovely bunch of cocnuts

ight - alright

igkymfa - I'm gonna kick your mother fucking ass

igs - I guess so

igtgt - I got to go tinkle

igtkya - im going to kick your ass

ih2gp - I have to go pee

ih2p - i'll have to pass

ih8mls - I hate my little sister

ih8p - I hate parents

ih8u - I hate you

ih8usm - i hate you so much

ihac - I have a customer

ihat3u - I hate you

ihiwydt - I hate it when you do that

ihmp - i hate my parents

ihnfc - I have no fucking clue

ihni - i have no idea

iht - I heard that

ihtfp - I hate this fucking place

ihtgttbwijd - I have to go to the bathroom, wait I just did.

ihtp - I Have To Poop

ihu - I hate you

ihusm - i hate you so much

ihy - i hate you

ihya - i hate you all

iigh - alright

iight - alright

iirc - if I recall correctly

iistgtbtipi - If It Sounds Too Good To Be True It Probably Is

iitywybmad - if I tell you, will you buy me a drink?

iiuc - if I understand correctly

iiw2 - is it web 2.0?

iiwii - it is what it is

ij - indide joke

ijeomk - I just ejaculated on my keybord

ijf - i just farted

ijgl - I just got laid

ijit - idiot

ijpmp - I just peed my pants

ijpms - I just pissed myself

ik - i know

iki - i know it

ikm - I know man

ikr - I know really

ikwum - I know what you meant

ikwym - i know what you mean

ilbcnu - i'll be seeing you

ilcul8r - I'll see u later

ili - i love it

ilk2fku - I would like to fuck you

ilms - I love my self

ilotibinlirl - I'm laughing on the internet, but I'm not laughing in real life

iltf - i love to fuck

ilu - I love you

ilulafklc - I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

ilusfm - I love you so fucking much

ilusm - I love you So much

iluvya - i love you

iluwamh - i love you with all my heart

ily - i love you

ily2 - i love you too

ilykthnxbai - i love you k thanks bye

ilylafklc - i love you like a fat kid loves cake

ilylc - i love you like crazy

ilym - i love you more

ilymtyk - i love you more than you know

ilysfm - i love you so fucking much

ilysm - i love you so much

ilysmm - i love you so much more

ilysvm - i love you so very much

im - Instant Message

im'd - instant messaged

ima - I am a

imao - in my arrogant opinion

imb - I am back

imcdo - in my conceited dogmatic opinion

imed - instant messaged

imfao - In My Fucking Arrogant Opinion

imfo - in my fucking opinion

imh - I am here

imhbco - In my humble but correct opinion

imhe - in my humble experience

imho - in my humble opinion

imm - instant message me

imma - I'm going to

imnerho - In my not even remotely humble opinion

imnl - I'm not laughing

imnsho - in my not so humble opinion

imo - in my opinion

impo - In My Personal Opinion

impov - in my point of view

imsb - i am so bored

imts - I meant to say

imusm - I miss you so much

imvho - in my very humble opinion

imwtk - Inquiring minds want to know

imy - I miss you

imya - i miss you already

inbd - it's no big deal

indie - independent

inet - internet

inho - in my honest opinion

init - isn't it

inmp - it's not my problem

innit - isn't it

ino - I know

intarwebs - internet

interweb - internet

intpftpotm - I nominate this post for the post of the month

inttwmf - I am Not Typing This With My Fingers

invu - I envy you

ioh - I'm out of here

iokiya - it's ok if you are

iono - I don't know

iotd - image of the day

iou - i owe you

iow - in other words

ioya - I'd Own Your Ass

ip - internet protocol

irc - internet relay chat

irgtgbtw - I've really got to get back to work

irhtgttbr - I really have to go to the bathroom

irl - in real life

irly - I really love you

irt - in reply to

irtf - I'll return the favor

isbya - im sorry but you asked

isg - I speak geek

isianmtu - I swear I am not making this up

iso - In Search Of

isp - internet service provider

iss - im so sorry

istr - I seem to remember

itb - in the butt

itd - in the dark

ite - alright

itk - in the know

itt - in this thread

ityltk - I thought you'd like to know

itz - it's

iucmd - if you catch my drift

iukwim - if you know what i mean

iuno - i dunno

ive - i have

iw2fu - i want to fuck you

iw2mu - I WANT TO MEET U

iwbrbl@r - I will be right back later

iwc - In Which Case

iwfusb - i wanna fuck you so bad

iwhi - I would hit it

iwk - I wouldn't know

iws - i want sex

iwsn - i want sex now

iwtfu - i want to fuck you

iwtfy - i want to fuck you

iwthswy - i want to have sex with you

iwu - i want you

iwyb - I want your body

iydmma - if you don't mind me asking

iyf - In your face

iykwim - if you know what I mean

iym - I am your man

iyo - in your opinion

iyq - I like you

iz - is


j/a - Just Asking

j/c - just curious

j/j - just joking

j/k - just kidding

j/o - jackoff

j/p - just playing

j/w - just wondering

j00 - you

j00r - your

j2luk - just to let you know

j4f - just for fun

j4g - just for grins

j4u - just for you

jalaudlm - just as long as you don't leave me

jas - just a second

jbu - just between us

jc - just curious

jcam - just checking away message

jcath - Just chilling at the house

jdfi - Just fucking do it

jebus - Jesus

jeomk - Just ejaculated on my keyboard

jfc - Jesus fucking Christ

jfdi - Just Fucking Do It!

jff - just for fun

jfg - just for giggles

jfgi - just fucking google it

jfi - just forget it

jfk - Just fucking kidding

jflts - just felt like typing something

jfr - Just for reference

jfwy - just fucking with you

jgiyn - Just google it you noob

jhm - just hold me

jic - just in case

jit - just in time

jj - just joking

jj/k - just joking

jk - just kidding

jka - just kidding around

jking - joking

jm - Just Messing

jma - just messing around

jmo - just my opinion

jms - just making sure

jom - just one minuite

joo - you

jooc - just out of curiosity

jooce - Juice

joor - your

jp - just playing

jsing - just saying

jst - just

jsuk - just so you know

jsut - just

jtlyk - just to let you know

jtoi - just thought of it

jtol - just thinking out loud

jttsiowctw - just testing to see if other websites copy this word

jtysk - just thought you should know

jumping the couch - acting strange

jus - just

juss - just

juzt - just

jw - just wondering

jyfihp - jam your finger in her pussy


k3wl - cool

ka - Kick Ass

kafn - kill all fucking noobs

kah - kisses and hugs

kaw - kick ass work

kb - KiloBite

kek - laughing out loud

kewel - cool

kewl - cool

kfc - kentucky fried chicken

khitbash - kick her in the box and shove her

kia - Killed In Action

kicks - sneakers

kiled - killed

kinda - kind of

kir - kid in room

kis - keep it simple

kisa - knight in shining armor

kit - keep in touch

kitfo - knock it the fuck off

kiwf - Kill It With Fire

kk - ok

kkk - ku klux klan

kl - cool

kma - kiss my ass

kmao - kick my ass off

kmfa - kiss my fucking ass

kmp - kill me please

knackered - drunk

knewb - new player

knn - fuck your mother

kno - know

knw - know

kol - kiss on lips

koo - cool

kool - cool

kos - kid over shoulder

kotc - kiss on the cheek

kotl - kiss on the lips

kotor - Knights of the old republic

kots - keep on talking shit

kpc - keeping parents clueless

ks - kill steal

ktfo - knocked the fuck out

kthanxbi - Okay, thanks. Bye.

kthnxbai - Okay, thanks, bye

kthnxbye - Okay, thanks, bye

kthx - ok, thank you

kthxbai - ok thanks bye!

kthxbi - ok, thank you, goodbye

kthxbye - ok, thank you, goodbye

kthxbye - ok, thank you, goodbye

kthxmn - Ok Thanks Man

kthz - ok thanks

ktnx - Okay and Thanks

kuhl - cool

kutgw - Keep Up The good Work

kuwl - cool

kwim - Know What I Mean

kwis - Know what I'm saying?

kwit - quit

kwl - cool

kwtsds - Kiss where the sun don't shine

kyag - Kiss Your Ass Goodbye

kyfag - kiss your fucking ass goodbye

kyfc - keep your fingers crossed

kyko - keep your knickers on

kys - kill yourself


l'omg - lol omg

l0lz - laugh out loud

l2p - learn to play

l2r - Learn to read

l337 - elite

l33t - elite

l4m3rz - lamers

l8 - late

l84skool - late for school

l8a - later

l8er - later

l8r - see you later

l8rs - laters

l8rz - later

l8s - later

l8t - later

l8ter - later

l8tr - later

laff - laugh

lak - love and kisses

lalol - lots and lots of laughs

lam - leave a message

lamf - like a motherfucker

lappy - Laptop

larp - live action role-play

lat - laugh at that

lata - later

lates - later

latn - laugh at the newbs

latr - Later

latwttb - laughing all the way to the bank

lau - laugh at you

lawd - lord

lawl - lauging out loud with a southern drawl

lawl'd - laughed out loud

lawled - laughed out loud

lawls - laughing out loud with a southern drawl

lawlz - laughing out loud with a southern drawl

lbr - little boy's room

ldr - Long-distance relationship

lee7 - elite

leet - elite

legit - legitimate

leik - like

leme - let me

lemme - let me

lesbo - lesbian

less than 3 - love

less than three - love

lez - Lesbian

lezbean - lesbian

lezbo - lesbian

lezzzie - lesbian

lf1m - Looking for one more

lfg - Looking for group

lfm - looking for mate

lfp - looking for pussy

lfr - Laughing for real

lgb - lesbian/gay/bisexual

lgbnaf - lets get butt naked and fuck

lgf - little green footballs

lgn - link goes nowhere

lgot - let's go out tonight

lgr - little girls room

lgs - let's go shopping!

lhao - laughing her ass off

liek - like

lifo - last in first out

ligaff - like I give a flying fuck

ligafs - like I give a flying shit

ligas - like I give a shit

lih - Laugh in head

liita - love is in the air

lik - like

lil - little

limh - laugh in my head

lirl - laughing in real life

liyf - laughing in your face

lj - live journal

lk - like

llap - live long and prosper

llol - literally laughing out loud

lm4aq - Let's meet for a quickie.

lma - leave me alone

lmamf - leave me alone mother fucker

lmao - laughing my ass off

lmaol - laughing my ass out loud

lmaomtoaoa - Laugh my ass off many times over and over again

lmaonade - laughing my ass off

lmaootf - Laughing my ass off on the floor

lmaorof - Laughing my Ass off Rolling on the floor

lmaorotf - laughing my ass off rolling on the floor

lmaowtntpm - laughing my ass off whilst trying not to piss myself

lmaoxh - laughing my ass off extremely hard

lmb - lick my balls

lmbao - laughing my black ass off

lmbfwao - laughing my big fat white ass off

lmbo - laughing my butt off

lmclao - laughing my cute little ass off

lmd - Lick My Dick

lmfao - laughing my fucking ass off

lmffo - Laughing my fucking face off

lmfho - laughing my fucking head off

lmfpo - laughing my fucking pussy off

lmfto - laughing my fuckin tits off

lmgdao - Laughing My God Damn Ass Off

lmhao - laughing my hairy ass off

lmho - laughing my heiny off


lmirl - Let's meet in real life

lmk - let me know

lmmfao - laughing my mother fucking ass off

lmmfaos - laughing my mother fucking ass off silly

lmmfas - laugh my mother fuckin ass off

lmmffao - laughing my mother fucking fat ass off

lmo - Leave Me One

lmoao - Laughing my Other Ass Off

lmp - lick my pussy

lmpo - laughing my panties off

lms - leave me some

lmsao - laughing my sexy ass off

lmso - laughing my socks off

lmtfa - leave me the fuck alone

lmto - laughing my tits off

lmtus - let me tell you something

ln - last name

lnk - Link

lobfl - Laugh Out Bloody Fucking Loud

lof - Laughing on floor

lofi - uncool

lofl - laugh out fucking loud

lol - laughing out loud

lol'd - laughed out loud

lol@u - Laugh out loud at you

lolarotf - laughing out loud and rolling on the floor

lolcano - laugh out loud

lolcity - the whole city laughs out loud

lold - laughed out loud

lolees - laugh out loud

lolerz - laugh out loud

lolin - laughing out loud

lollam - Laughing Out Loud Like A Maniac

lollercaust - an extreme event of hilarity

lollercoaster - laugh out loud (a lot)

lollerskates - laughing out loud

lolm - laugh out loud man

loln - laught out loud... not

lolngs - laghing out loud never gonna stop

lolocost - laugh out loud

lolol - saying "lol" out loud

lololz - laugh out loud

lolpimp - Laughing out loud peeing in my pants

lolrof - Laughing out loud while rolling on the floor.

lolrotf - laughing out loud rolling on the floor

lols - laugh out loud

lolz - laugh out loud

loml - love of my life

lomy - love of my life

loti - laughing on the inside

lotr - lord of the rings

lov - love

loxen - laughing out loud

loxxen - laughing out loud

lozer - loser

lpb - low ping bastard

lpiaw - Large Penis is always welcome

lpms - life pretty much sucks

lqtm - Laugh quietly to myself

lqtms - Laughing quietly to myself

lqts - laughing quietly to self

lrfl - Laughing really fucking loud

lrh - laughing really hard

lrqtms - laughing really quietly to myself

lshismp - laughed so hard I shit my pants

lshiwms - laughing so hard I wet myself

lsr - loser

lsudi - Lets see you do it

ltip - laughting until I puke

ltms - Laughing to my self

ltnc - Long time no see

ltns - long time no see

ltnsoh - Long time, no see or hear

ltp - Lay the pipe

ltr - later

lttpot - laughing to the point of tears

ltw - Lead The Way

lu2 - love you too

lu4l - love you for life

lub - laugh under breath

lug - lesbian until graduation

lul - love you lots

lulab - Love you like a brother

lulas - Love You Like a Sister

lulz - Laughing out loud.

lurker - one who reads but doesn't reply

luser - user who is a loser

luv - love

luver - lover

luvv - love

lv - love

lvl - level

lvn - loving

lvya - love you

lwih - look what I have

ly - love you

lyaab - Love you as a brother

lyaaf - Love you as a friend

lyao - laugh your ass off

lybo - laugh your butt off

lyfe - life

lyk - like

lyk3 - like

lyke - like

lyl - love you lots

lylab - love you like a brother

lylaba - love u like a brother always

lylad - love you like a dad

lylafklc - love you like a fat kid loves cake

lylam - love you like a mom

lylas - I love you like a sister

lylasa - love u like a sister always

lylno - Love you like no other

lyls - love you lots

lymi - love you mean it

lysm - love you so much

lyt - love you too

lzr - loser


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