Showing posts with label Fact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fact. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2011



1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let That is why you pay "them!"

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop" . And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes,;music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9 Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county;to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people that you love them, at every opportunity.

Advice for Free .For Men and For Women ONLY

Advice for Free .For Men and For Women ONLY

Enjoy the guru-mantras…

For Men:
Rule.No.1 - Never compare your mamma’s cooking with your wife’s! There is no faster way to dig your own grave than that! Please understand that your mom’s cooking has the backing of 20 odd years of
experience….don’t expect that from your wife whose hardly into the process! What if she were to compare
your earning capacity with her dad’s!!! So shshshhhhh….!!!

Rule.No.2: Never go out of your way to please the lady with flowers, chocolates and gifts during your
engagement period. If ever you do, please follow it up post-wedding too! When you could cover 20kms in 15 minutes when you are engaged just to spend some time with her, how dare you forget her birthday post -
marriage, even after you are given the broadest of hints by her! Remember expectations always double…
ever heard of them being halved ???

Rule.No.3: Do compliment her every now and then, verbally or with gifts! What are those lovely Teddies
and Archies gift cards for? Don’t sit there like the Lord Of The Rings expecting to be waited upon! Of
course she will do it but everyone likes to be appreciated and pampered!!!!

Rule.No.4: This is very important! Sulking or complaining about marriage being a big mistake is a
strict NO-NO !! You got into it with your eyes wide open, brimming with enthusiasm !! No one ever pushed
you into it! So why this drama now!

Rule.No.5: Be Brave and take your own decisions and stand up by them!! Consult your parents for advice but realize that you are grown up enough to lead your life! Respect your partner’s views at all times!
Remember she has given up a lot more to make a life with you!!

************************* *******
For Women

1. Don’t expect too much from him. Less the expectations lesser the disappointments.
2. Don’t ever dare to plan any outing or movie on a day when there is an interesting match going on.

REMEMBER SPORTS is more important to him than anything else. U spoil his day n He spoils your

3. Over Emotions, Sentiments… Woha… What are these? Tears are not going to give any results either.
It’s just a temp. attention tht u get. No one likes Cry Babies m Whining Wifes.

4. Never dare to cross with his mother. Even if he says "My Mom’s cooking is the best. U are nothing in
front of her." take it easily with a smile. Tell him tht u are learning from his mother and will try to do
it better. U are not gonna lose anything!

5. Try to know his friends and understand that they are also part of his world. Allow him to spend few
weekends or occasional night out parties with his friends. But at the same time make sure that u get u r
due importance! It must not be that he roams around with his friends forgetting that you exist at home.

6. Don’t start fighting for silly things. Forgetting birthdays and Anniversaries is not a big mistake. Men
are not blessed with infinite and non-volatile RAM for storing everything in main memory. If you are very
particular about present gifts n parties on u r birthdays n anniversaries, make sure u remind them
well in advance by some means (I know it sounds stupid. But if u are so particular, Do it for u r own

7. Take him for your shopping only if he’s interested. If you are going for Window Shopping or for saree
purchase, Better go with your friends/go alone. He is better at office/home watching anything.

8. Give him importance always. Show due care and affection. That’s the only way to win a guy’s mind

Friday, August 5, 2011

Goood Humour Equations:

Humour Equations:

2. An Idea + An Idiot = A Dot com.
3. One Chinese gymnast = India's Gold Medal tally since 1896
4. Sushmita Sen - 1.2 feet = Salman Khan.
5. Special Effects in Shampoo ads = Special effects in Jurassic park.
6. 4 weeks in Switzerland + London + New Zealand + Canada = a 4 minute song in Hindi movie.
7. Ajay Devgan + cosmetic surgery + acting ability + personality + own production company = Kajol
8. Rona dhona x Bewafai x Badle ki aag = Your mum's favorite serials.
9. Amitabh Bachchan - Mrityudaata + Kaun Banega Crorepati = A SUPERSTAR.
10. Amitabh Bachchan + Jaya Bachchan - Talent = Abhishek Bachchan
11. Any actor + Any actress + many movies = David Dhawan
12. 1 smile + 32 teeth = Govinda
13. 1 person - shirt = Salman Khan
14. 1 person + straight hair + un-straight walk = Sanjay Dutt
15. 1 hand + 10 kg weight = Sunny Deol
16. One engagement + Two weddings + Three wedding songs + Four hundred
Relatives + A house bigger than Buckingham Palace = One sooraj Barjataya Film

17.... This one is the best of all..........
Engineer + No Work = Forward this message :D

Saturday, June 18, 2011

You Can Win with 3 Things

Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruits.

-- Kahlil Gibran
------------------------- -
Happiness is NOT something you find,
It's something you create.
Nothing is this world is IMPOSSIBLE as
the word is "I M POSSIBLE ..."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who is Warren Buffet ?

Who is Warren Buffet ?

There was a one hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity Here are some very interesting aspects of his life:

1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!

2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.

5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.

6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals

for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis. He has given his CEO's only two rules. Rule number 1: do not lose any

of your share holder's money. Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television.

8. Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

His advice to young people: "Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and Remember:

A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.
B. Live your life as simple as you are.
C. Don't do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good.
D. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which u feel comfortable.
E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hardwork and Luck

Hardwork is like the stairs, luck is like a lift ; Lify may fail sometimes but whatever may be the occassion, stairs will always take you to the TOP

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Love & Life

Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruits.

-- Kahlil Gibran

True Fact

Happiness is NOT something you find,

It's something you create.

Nothing is this world is IMPOSSIBLE as

the word is "I M POSSIBLE ..."

I Can Do, Can YOU Do ???

I Can Do, Can YOU Do ??? 

Can you SEE the WORLD in WORLD-CUP?

I can SING on Any STAGE

Can you FIX Your STAMP Size PHOTO in a STAMP?


TRY ALL THIS........ ....
Atleast DO the LAST ONE Plzz

some facts for u all

Hi frndzz.. some facts for u all ! !

1. Chewing on gum while cutting onions can help a person from stop producing tears. Try it next time you chop onions.
2. Until babies are six months old, they can breathe and swallow at the same time. Indeed convenient!
3. Offered a new pen to write with, 97% of all people will write their own name.
4. Male mosquitoes are vegetarians. Only females bite. Hi All,
5. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
6. Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
7.Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.



Q. Who is the GM of Hewlett Packard (hp) ?
A. Rajiv Gupta

Q. Who is the creator of Pentium chip (needs no introduction as 90% of the today's computers run on it)?
A. Vinod Dahm

Q. Who is the founder and creator of Hotmail (Hotmail is world's No.1 web based email program)?
A. Sabeer Bhatia

Q. Who is the president of AT & T-Bell Labs (AT & T-Bell Labs is the creator of program languages such as C, C++, Unix to name a few)?
A. Arun Netravalli

Q. Who is the MTD (Microsoft Testing Director) of Windows 2000, responsible to iron out all initial problems?
A. Sanjay Tejwrika

Q. Who are the Chief Executives of CitiBank, Mckensey & Stanchart?
A. Victor Menezes, Rajat Gupta, and Rana Talwar.

Q. We Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America , even faring better than the whites and the natives.

There are 3.22 millions of Indians in USA (1.5% of population). AND,
38% of doctors in USA are Indians.
12% scientists in USA are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are! Indians.

Some of the following facts may be known to you. These facts were published in a German magazine, which deals with WORLD HISTORY
1. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.
2. India invented the Number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
3. The world's first University was established in Takshila in 700BC.
More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
4. According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software.
5. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans.
6. Although western media portray modern images of India as poverty striken and underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth.
7. The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The very word "Navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.
8. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is now k! nown as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published that Budhayan's
works dates to the 6 th Century which is long before the European mathematicians.
9. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India . Quadratic equations were by Sridhara charya in the 11 th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used
numbers as big as 1053.
10. According to the Gemmological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.
11. USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless communicat ion was Pr!ofessor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.
12. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.
13. Chess was invented in India
14. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract, fractures and urinary stones. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India .
15. When many cultures in t he world were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley ( Indus Valley Civilisation).
16. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.

Quotes about India
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. Albert Einstein.
India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition. Mark Twain.
If there is one place on the face of earth where all dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India. French scholar Romain Rolland.
India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.Hu Shih (former Chinese ambassador to USA )

BUT, if we don't see even a glimpse of that great India in the India that we see today, it clearly means that we are not working up to our potential; and that if we do, we could once again be an evershining and
inspiring country setting a bright path for rest of the world to follow.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How You Read English (Phenomenal Power of Mind)

AMAZING READING (How Brain Read English)


you can read the following paragraph, forward it on to your friends and the person that sent it to you with 'yes' in the subject line.

Only great minds can read this This is weird, but interesting!

fi yuo cna
raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 57 plepoe
out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the
hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter
by istlef, but the
wrod as a wlohe.
Azanmig huh?

yaeh and I awlyas
tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if you can raed tihs forwrad it


Thursday, April 14, 2011

India Ranks 5th on Power List : National Security Index

India Ranks 5th on Power List

Says : Latest National Security Index (NSI) Designed by the the country's foremost security & economic experts

India's National Review 2010, which will be officially release by foreign minister S M Krishna on April 19, -

NSI 2010 placed India 5th (Fifth) in the hierarchy of top 50 nations identified on the basis of their GDP.

US Top , China Next(2nd) in the ranking based on Defence, GDP & Tech Capabilities.

Ranking - 1st US , 2nd China , 3rd Japan, 4th Russia, 5th India, 6th South Korea, followed by Norway, Germany, France and the UK.

India ranked - 3rd in the case of population, 4th in terms of defense capabilities,

Only US,China and Russia are ranked higher in defense capabilities.

In economic strength India ranked 7th.

National Security Index is based on - Defense capability, Economic Strength, Population, Technological capabilities.