Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do not stay late night in office

Do not stay late night in office

It's half past 8 in the office
but the lights are still on...

PCs still running,

coffee machines still buzzing...

and who's at work?

Most of them???

Take a closer look...

All or most specimens are 20-something male species of the human race...

Look closer... again all or most of them are bachelors...

and why are they sitting late? Working hard? No way!!!

Any guesses???

Let's ask one of them...

Here's what he says... "What's there 2 do after going home... here we get to

surf, AC, phone, food, coffee ?

thats is why I am working late... importantly no bossssssss!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the scene in most research centres and software companies and other

off-shore offices. Bachelors "time-passing" during late hours in the office

just bcoz they say they've nothing else to do...

Now what r the consequences... read on?

"Working"(for the record only) late hours soon becomes part of the institute

or company culture. With bosses more than eager to provide support to those

"working" late in the form of taxi vouchers, food vouchers and of course

good feedback,(oh, he's a hard worker... goes home only to change..!!).

They aren't helping things too...

To hell with bosses who don't understand the difference between "sitting" late and "working" late!!!

Very soon, the boss start expecting all employees to put in extra working hours.

So, My dear Bachelors let me tell you, life changes when u get married and start having a family...

office is no longer a priority, family is... and that's when the problem starts...

because u start having commitments at home too.

For your boss, the earlier "hardworking" guy suddenly seems to become a "early

leaver" even if u leave an hour after regulartime... after doing the same

amount of work. People leaving on time after doing their tasks for the day

are labeled as work-shirkers...

Girls who thankfully always (its changing nowadays... though) leave on time are labeled as "not up to it".

All the while, the bachelors pat their own backs and carry on "working" not

realizing that they r spoiling the work culture at their own place and never

realize that they wuld have to regret at one point of time .

So what's the moral of the story??

 Very clear, LEAVE ON TIME!!!

o Never put in extra time " *unless really needed *"

o  Don't stay back un-necessarily and spoil your company work culture which will in turn cause inconvenience to you and your colleagues.

There are hundred other things to do in the evening..

Learn music... Learn a foreign language... try a sport...

TT, cricket.........importantly Get a boy/girl friend take him/her around town...

And for heaven's sake net cafe rates have dropped to an all-time

low (plus, no fire-walls) and try cooking for a change.

Take a tip from the Smirnoff ad: "Life's calling, where are you?"

Please pass on this message to all those colleagues....

And please do it before leaving time, don't stay back till midnight to forward this!!!

Advice for Free .For Men and For Women ONLY

Advice for Free .For Men and For Women ONLY

Enjoy the guru-mantras…

For Men:
Rule.No.1 - Never compare your mamma’s cooking with your wife’s! There is no faster way to dig your own grave than that! Please understand that your mom’s cooking has the backing of 20 odd years of
experience….don’t expect that from your wife whose hardly into the process! What if she were to compare
your earning capacity with her dad’s!!! So shshshhhhh….!!!

Rule.No.2: Never go out of your way to please the lady with flowers, chocolates and gifts during your
engagement period. If ever you do, please follow it up post-wedding too! When you could cover 20kms in 15 minutes when you are engaged just to spend some time with her, how dare you forget her birthday post -
marriage, even after you are given the broadest of hints by her! Remember expectations always double…
ever heard of them being halved ???

Rule.No.3: Do compliment her every now and then, verbally or with gifts! What are those lovely Teddies
and Archies gift cards for? Don’t sit there like the Lord Of The Rings expecting to be waited upon! Of
course she will do it but everyone likes to be appreciated and pampered!!!!

Rule.No.4: This is very important! Sulking or complaining about marriage being a big mistake is a
strict NO-NO !! You got into it with your eyes wide open, brimming with enthusiasm !! No one ever pushed
you into it! So why this drama now!

Rule.No.5: Be Brave and take your own decisions and stand up by them!! Consult your parents for advice but realize that you are grown up enough to lead your life! Respect your partner’s views at all times!
Remember she has given up a lot more to make a life with you!!

************************* *******
For Women

1. Don’t expect too much from him. Less the expectations lesser the disappointments.
2. Don’t ever dare to plan any outing or movie on a day when there is an interesting match going on.

REMEMBER SPORTS is more important to him than anything else. U spoil his day n He spoils your

3. Over Emotions, Sentiments… Woha… What are these? Tears are not going to give any results either.
It’s just a temp. attention tht u get. No one likes Cry Babies m Whining Wifes.

4. Never dare to cross with his mother. Even if he says "My Mom’s cooking is the best. U are nothing in
front of her." take it easily with a smile. Tell him tht u are learning from his mother and will try to do
it better. U are not gonna lose anything!

5. Try to know his friends and understand that they are also part of his world. Allow him to spend few
weekends or occasional night out parties with his friends. But at the same time make sure that u get u r
due importance! It must not be that he roams around with his friends forgetting that you exist at home.

6. Don’t start fighting for silly things. Forgetting birthdays and Anniversaries is not a big mistake. Men
are not blessed with infinite and non-volatile RAM for storing everything in main memory. If you are very
particular about present gifts n parties on u r birthdays n anniversaries, make sure u remind them
well in advance by some means (I know it sounds stupid. But if u are so particular, Do it for u r own

7. Take him for your shopping only if he’s interested. If you are going for Window Shopping or for saree
purchase, Better go with your friends/go alone. He is better at office/home watching anything.

8. Give him importance always. Show due care and affection. That’s the only way to win a guy’s mind

Saturday, August 6, 2011

क्या मृत्यु के बाद जीवन संभव है (Is Life after Deaths is Possible)

क्या मृत्यु के बाद जीवन संभव है (Is Life after Deaths is Possible)

Dr. Kirti Swaroop Rawat is researching for reincarnation/rebirth from last 43 years.
A resident of Bhaskar Sector-1, Goyal Nagar , Indore and Director of International Center for Reincarnation Research, Dir. Kirti Swaroop Rawat says he compiled approximatly 500 cases of childrens and says he has sufficient evidence to prove reincarnation.
And he created documantries for two cases. One is created for a German team naming "Fifth Dimension" about the case of Shanti Devi.
Its documentary is dubbed in Hindi Language for a show of Discovery Channel in India.

इंदौर. क्या मृत्यु के बाद जीवन संभव है। मम विश्वास करना कहां तक उचित होगा। पुनर्जन्म को लेकर होने वाली आशंकाओं को लेकर भास्कर सेक्टर-1 स्थित गोयलनगर निवासी डॉ.कीर्तिस्वरूप रावत शोध कर रहे हैं। वे इंटरनेशनल सेंटर फॉर रिइनकर्नेशन रिसर्च के डायरेक्टर हैं जो मृत्यु के बाद जीवन है या नहीं विषय पर लगभग 43 साल से प्रयासरत है।

श्री रावत बताते हैं उनके पास लगभग 500 बच्चों के पुनर्जन्म की फाइलें हैं। इसमें उनके पुनर्जन्म की कहानियां है। इन 43 वर्षो में कई ऐसे साक्ष्य भी मिले जिसके कारण पुनर्जन्म पर विश्वास किया जा सकता है। अभी तक मेरे दो केस पर डॉक्यूमेंट्री भी बनाई गई है। इसमें जर्मन से आई टीम ने वर्ल्ड के लिए प्रमुख भाषाओं में लगभग 44 मिनट की ‘फिफ्थ डॉइमेंशन’ नामक डॉक्यूमेंट्री बनाई थी। इसमें मेरे दिल्ली वाले शांतिदेवी नामक महिला के केस पर लगभग 13 मिनट दिए थे। जो कहती थी वो पुनर्जन्म पर मथुरा में रहती थी।

इंडिया में दिखाने के लिए इस डॉयक्यूमेंट्री को हिंदी भाषा में डब किया गया था और उसका प्रसारण डिस्कवरी चेनल पर किया गया था। इसके अलावा कुछ समय पहले यूरोप के ऑस्ट्रिया से आई डॉयरेक्टर ईबा मारिया बर्गर ने अपनी टीम के साथ मेरे केस पर राजस्थान के दो गांवों में करीब 46 मिनट की ‘रीइंकर्नेशन’ नामक डॉयक्यूमेंट्री बनाई थी। इसकी एकरिंग जर्मनी भाषा में की गई थी और इसका प्रसारण वहीं के स्थानीय चैनल ओएफआर पर 30क् नवबंर २क्१क् को किया गया था।...
Source : Denik Bhaskar News Paper

Friday, August 5, 2011

Jan Lokpal Bill - जन लोकपाल विधेयक

Jan Lokpal Bill - जन लोकपाल विधेयक - Also referred to as the citizens' ombudsman bill
Is Janlokpal Bill So Strong to Deal effectively with Corruption in India
What is Jan Lokpal Bill -
In India, the Jan Lokpal Bill (Hindi: जन लोकपाल विधेयक) (also referred to as the citizens' ombudsman bill) is a proposed anti-corruption law designed to effectively deter corruption, redress grievances and protect whistleblowers. The law would create an ombudsman called the Lokpal; this would be an independent body similar to the Election Commission of India with the power to investigate politicians and bureaucrats without prior government permission.

A compromise bill, merging the Government's version and that of the civil group's version (Jan Lokpal), is being drafted by a committee of five Cabinet Ministers and five social activists.

For 42 years, the government-drafted bill has failed to pass the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India.The first Lokpal Bill was passed in the 4th Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament, in 1969 but stalled in the Rajya Sabha. Subsequent Lokpal bills were introduced in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and 2008 but all failed to pass.

Jan Lokpal Bill (Citizen's Ombudsman Bill) :
1.Lokpal will have powers to initiate suo moto action or receive complaints of corruption from the general public.
2. Lokpal will have the power to initiate prosecution of anyone found guilty.
3. Lokpal will have police powers as well as the ability to register FIRs.
4. Lokpal and the anti corruption wing of the CBI will be one independent body.
5. Punishments will be a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of up to life imprisonment.

Draft Lokpal Bill (2010) :
1.Lokpal will have no power to initiate suo motu action or receive complaints of corruption from the general public. It can only probe complaints forwarded by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
2.Lokpal will only be an Advisory Body with a role limited to forwarding reports to a "Competent Authority".
3.Lokpal will have no police powers and no ability to register an First Information Report or proceed with criminal investigations.
4.The CBI and Lokpal will be unconnected.
5.Punishment for corruption will be a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of up to 7 years.

Protests : On March 13, 2011, a group of Delhi residents dressed in white shirts and t-shirts drove around the city for four hours in support of an anti-corruption campaign and the passing of a Jan Lokpal Bill.

Anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare went on hunger strike "unto death" on April 5, 2011, pending the enactment of a Jan Lokpal Bill. Around 6,000 Mumbai residents also began a one-day fast in support of similar demands.Protesters chose yellow as their colour and were seen wearing yellow dresses, T-shirts while waving yellow banners. Inter city protest co-ordination is underway to observe Yellow Sunday.

Hazare also announced plans to start a Jail Bharo Andolan protest on 13 April 2011 if the Jan Lokpal bill is not passed by the government. He also stated that his group has received six crore (60 million) text messages of support and that he has further backing from a large number of Internet activists.

The protests are not associated with any political parties, and Hazare supporters discouraged political leaders from joining the protests, because Hazare believes that political parties were using the campaign for their own political advantage.
Drafting Committee :
The drafting committee was officially formed on 8 April 2011. It consists of ten members, including five from the government and five drawn from society.

Chairmen :
The Government of India accepted that the committee be co-chaired by a politician and an activist, non-politician. It is reported that Pranab Mukherjee, from the political arena, and Shanti Bhushan, from civil society, will fill those roles.

Government representation
Five Cabinet ministers will be a part of the Drafting Committee. They are:
Pranab Mukherjee, Finance Minister, Co-Chairman;
P. Chidambaram, Minister of Home Affairs;
Veerappa Moily, Minister of Corporate Affairs;
Kapil Sibal, Minister for Communications and Information Technology; and
Salman Khursid, [Minister of minority affairs]
Civil society representationFive leading social activists will be a part of the Drafting Committee. They are:
Shanti Bhushan, Former Minister of Law and Justice, Co-Chairman;
Anna Hazare, Social Activist;
Prashant Bhushan, Lawyer;
N. Santosh Hegde, Lokayukta (Karnataka); and
Arvind Kejriwal.

Above details collected from/Source : Wikipedia Encyclopedia
What people are thinking about Jan Lokpal Bill (Comments - collected from various sites, polling, news etc.) :-
1. TOI Poll gives thumbs down to government's Lokpal Bill


2. If you look at congress and it's spokespersons attitude , you can easily figure out that these ppl are more interested in trying to convince the nation how problems cannot be solved instead of telling how they can be solved!!!

This is really funny and disgusting at the same time. Congress is under the impression that they can take the whole country for a ride all the time and that a so called "democracy" doesn't see a revolution.. How immature!! They are not able to fathom that, the present mess will lead to revolution much bigger than what happened recently in mid east.

A beautiful quote by Lincoln that perfectly describes Congress is
"You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you cant fool all of the people all the time"

if Sonia Gandhi truly believes in Democrcay , then she should immediately sever her and her coming generations ties from politics. She should openly declare that she quits politics and none of her progeny henceforth will join politics. This is the first step towards DEMOCRATIZATION .

Secondly, we need Presidential Democracy where a person can hold office for at most 2 terms . This is a must and this will prevent the institutionalization if corruption.

To bring about this change , Constitution must be re-written and it's very possible, because constitution reflects the society and it has to change with times. It's not set in stone , nor is it the final word. It needs to incorporate the views of the masses.
compulsory voting, otherwise fines

education is must for votings
govt funding, with proper party constitution election, proper bank , finanacial accounting
fix term for pm president mla, mp,, above 60 no one be allow in power, big character,,no tax chor, raper,criminal be allowed to contest,,on line informationfor whole politician be made, internet voting,information be given to voter, strong law , ethics for politicians
Preeti - I also support to Mr. Hazare. Indian Govt. should accept his proposal for the lokpal bill. It's will benefit for our society. Also not that only it is not prepared by one man. It prepared by our most trusted people of India. So accoding to me it will sustain for long period.

Manish h. shah, 08-Apr-2011, 10:52pm

anna hazare is doing good but i think that his fast his and the our corrupt neta start there corruption agin . beacuse they want india no 1 in corruption at the moment we are at no 4 in corruption. if we are do doing something . my god save this beautiful hindustan ... jsk.....

kapil sibbal aap bhi 100% vote leke chunke nahi aye.
Even after 64 years of independence, we haven't liberated ourselves from British set of mentality of choosing corruption as an easy mean to rule over people and the nation. Anna Ji is doing and asking for what we needed almost three-four decades ago. There should be a system in place that ensure stringent punishement or banishment (exile)for corrupt people. It is high time we should stand with Anna Ji against corruption and insist government to bring Lok Pal into existence. Jai Hind

In essence most of the people in India wants - Strong Jan Lokpal Bill to Check Corruption in India, And Government of India should take effective measures to check corruption.
Most of news sources suggests current Jan Lokpal Bill (Draft) is not so strong to deal with corruption with effectively.

New Humour Shole Basanti Dharmendar Amitabh Mausi in Infosys

New Humour Shole Basanti Dharmendar Amitabh Mausi in Infosys
Basanti ki Shadi , Mausi & Infosys Employee

Amitabh : Mausi ladka "Infosys" mein kaam karta hai…

Mausi : Hai raam…
Amitabh : Aajkal allocated bhi hai…
Mausi : To kya kabhi unallocated ( i.e. bench pe) bhi rahta hai????
Amitabh : Ab C rating waalon ka allocation itni asaani se kahaan hota hai mausi
Mausi : To kya C rating bhi aati hai uski????
Amitabh : Project manager se ladaai karne ke baad A ya uske upar ki rating to nahin na milti hai mausi…
Mausi : To kya ladaaku bhi hai????
Amitabh : Ab onsite jaane ko na mile to ho jaati hai kabhi-kabhi anban …
Mausi : To kya onsite bhi nahin gayaa aaj tak????
Amitabh : Ab civil engineers ka Visa itni jaldi kahaan lagta hai mausi…
Mausi : To kya ladka civil engineer hai???? Engineering kaun se college se kiya hai????
Amitabh : Bas uska pataa lagte hi hum aapko khabar kar denge!!!!!
Amitabh : To kya main rishta pakka samjhun mausi ??
Mausi : Bhale hi hamaari Basanti call center waale se shaadi kar le, par Infosys waale se kabhi nahin karegi…

Goood Humour Equations:

Humour Equations:

2. An Idea + An Idiot = A Dot com.
3. One Chinese gymnast = India's Gold Medal tally since 1896
4. Sushmita Sen - 1.2 feet = Salman Khan.
5. Special Effects in Shampoo ads = Special effects in Jurassic park.
6. 4 weeks in Switzerland + London + New Zealand + Canada = a 4 minute song in Hindi movie.
7. Ajay Devgan + cosmetic surgery + acting ability + personality + own production company = Kajol
8. Rona dhona x Bewafai x Badle ki aag = Your mum's favorite serials.
9. Amitabh Bachchan - Mrityudaata + Kaun Banega Crorepati = A SUPERSTAR.
10. Amitabh Bachchan + Jaya Bachchan - Talent = Abhishek Bachchan
11. Any actor + Any actress + many movies = David Dhawan
12. 1 smile + 32 teeth = Govinda
13. 1 person - shirt = Salman Khan
14. 1 person + straight hair + un-straight walk = Sanjay Dutt
15. 1 hand + 10 kg weight = Sunny Deol
16. One engagement + Two weddings + Three wedding songs + Four hundred
Relatives + A house bigger than Buckingham Palace = One sooraj Barjataya Film

17.... This one is the best of all..........
Engineer + No Work = Forward this message :D

Strongest Evidence of Water on Mars

Strongest Evidence of Water on Mars & Lives may be Possible

This undated image released by the European Space Agency taken from on board the European Space Agency probe Mars Express shows of a patch of ice sitting on the floor of a crater near the planet's north pole according the the agency. NASA scientists on Thursday said they have found "repeated and predictable evidence of water" flowing on Mars.

It’s known that there are frozen water deposits on Mars. Now, it seems that there are seasonal streams of liquid water flowing across the surface of the Red Planet, say astronomers, including an Indian-origin scientist.

In fact, it was U.S. space agency NASA which said that pictures taken from its Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft showed finger-like features which may be flows of salty water spilling over the rims of craters.

Lujendra Ojha and colleagues at the University of Arizona now claim that, if confirmed, the discovery could finally help establish whether life could be sustained on Mars

Source :
NASA probe shows new evidence of water on Mars :

New images of the craters of Mars may be the best evidence yet of flowing, liquid water, an essential ingredient for life on the planet.

The findings, published in Friday’s issue of the journal Science, came from extremely high-resolution images taken by a powerful camera called HiRISE aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been orbiting the planet since 2006.

A sequence of images from MRO shows long, brown streaks in the Martian spring and summer. In the colder seasons, these streaks disappeared, suggesting that they could be the flow of briny water.

“We haven't found any good way to explain what we’re seeing without water,” lead author Alfred McEwan of the University of Arizona said during a press briefing Thursday.

Scientists say the water would be briny and salty, and have a freezing point much lower than water on Earth.

Source :

Saturday, July 30, 2011

एक वैज्ञानिक जो अपनी मौत के 18 साल बाद हो गया महान

एक वैज्ञानिक जो अपनी मौत के 18 साल बाद हो गया महान / 18 years after his death He Became A Great Scientist

महान वैज्ञानिक ग्रेगर जॉन मेंडल  :

कौन : ग्रेग्रर जॉन मेंडल

क्या : आधुनिक आनुवंशिकी जगत का पितामहकब :जन्म 20 जुलाई 1822 , निधन : 6 जनवरी 1884

उथल-पुथल से भरा जीवन

विज्ञान को एक नई दिशा देने वाले मेंडल का जीवन उथल-पुथल से भरा था।

जी हां ग्रेग्रर जॉन मेंडल ने अपने उस अध्यापक की बात को सच करके दिखा दिया था जिन्होंने मेंडल की प्रतिभा को 11 साल की उम्र में पहचान लिया था और मेंडल के माता पिता से कहा था कि यह बालक बेहद प्रतिभावान है और इसे उच्च शिक्षा मिलनी ही चाहिए। हालांकि मेंडल के माता पिता की आर्थिक स्थिति अच्छी नहीं थी लेकिन तमाम संघर्षो से गुजरते हुए मेंडल ने वह कर दिखाया था जिसने विज्ञान जगत के भविष्य की दिशा तय कर दी थी और उनकी आनुवंशिकी के नियमों की खोज ने उनको विज्ञान में अमर बना दिया था लेकिन अफसोस मेंडल के जीते जी विज्ञान जगत उनके नियमों को समझ नहीं पाया था और उनके मरने के 18 साल बाद संसार का वैज्ञानिक समुदाय को जब पता चला कि मेंडल ने वह कर दिखाया है जो उनको लगभग भगवान का दर्जा देने के बराबर था। जीव का निर्माण आखिर कैसे होता है और कोई व्यक्ति आखिर विशेष गुणों के साथ कैसे जन्म लेता है? हम अपने माता पिता की तरह किस तरह अपने गुणों से मेल खाते है लगभग हर बात का जवाब उनकी खोज में था लेकिन विज्ञान जगत ने इसे समझने में देर कर दी थी। अगर उस समय के प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक कार्ल नेगेली मेंडल के नियमों को मान्यता दे देते तो विज्ञान जगत न केवल 18 साल आगे हो जाता बल्कि मेंडल जीते जी अपनी ख्याती और अपनी खोज को मान्यता मिलते हुए देख लेते जिसके लिए उन्होंने कड़ी मेहनत की थी।

क्या कहा था प्रोफेसर नेगेली ने

मेंडल अपने समय के सुविख्यात जीवविज्ञानी प्रोफेसर कार्ल नेगेली से अपने कार्य की मान्यता लेना चाहते थे। इसके लिए उन्होंने अपना शोध निबंध नेगेली को भेजा। नेगेली ने पहले तो जवाब नहीं दिया, परंतु जब मेंडल लगातार पत्र लिखते रहे तो उन्होंने जवाब भेजा। नेगेली ने लिखा था कि जो सीजर का है, सीजर को दो और जो भगवान का है भगवान को दो। मैं नहीं जानता कि आप वनस्पतिशास्त्री हैं या गणितज्ञ यदि आप वनस्पतिशास्त्री हैं तो वनस्पतियों पर अध्ययन कीजिए और अगर आप गणितज्ञ हैं तो पौधों पर संकरण करने से बाज आइए।
मेंडल को था खुद पर यकीन

यह जीव विज्ञान का दुर्भाग्य ही है कि मेंडल का सारा श्रम 37 वर्षो तक पुस्तकालयों में धूल बटोरता रहा और किसी ने उसपर ध्यान नहीं दिया। लेकिन मेंडल अपने शोधकार्यो से पूरी तरह संतुष्ट थे। जीवन के अंतिम सालों में उन्होंने लिखा था कि अपने वैज्ञानिक कार्यो से मैं बहुत संतुष्ट हूं और मुझे पूरा विश्वास है कि शीघ्र ही पूरी दुनिया मेरे काम को सराहेगी। वे बातचीत में अपने शिष्यों से कहा करते थे कि एक दिन उनका समय आएगा, जरूर आएगा।

मौत के बाद चर्चित हुए मेंडल

मेंडल को प्रसिद्धि मौत के 18 साल के बाद मिली। 1902 में एक ही शोध पत्रिका में तीन विभिन्न देशों के वैज्ञानिकों के शोध निबंध प्रकाशित हुए। ये वैज्ञानिक थे हॉलैंड के प्रसिद्ध वनस्पतिशास्त्री ह्यूगो डी व्रिज, जर्मनी के कार्ल कॉरेंस और आस्ट्रिया के एरिक वॉन। आश्चर्यजनक रूप से तीनों निबंध आनुवांशिकता के उन्हीं बुनियादी और मात्रात्मक नियमों के बारे में थे जिसके बारे में ग्रिगोर मेंडल 37 वर्ष पहले ही लिख चुके थे। इन तीनों वैज्ञानिकों ने मेंडल के आनुवंशिकता के नियमों को स्वतंत्र रूप से दोबारा खोज निकाला था। जिसके बाद मेंडल पुनर्जीवित हो उठे थे।
मेंडल जीव विज्ञान में फेल हो गए थे

जी हां जीव विज्ञान की नई शाखा आनुवांशिकी के जनक कहे जाने वाले ग्रिगोर मेंडल जीव विज्ञान में फेल हो गए थे। यह बात है 1850 की, जब मेंडल ने स्थायी शिक्षक बनने के लिए वियना विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा आयोजित एक परीक्षा में भाग लिया था। उन्होंने भौतिकी और अन्य विषयों की परीक्षा दी, परंतु वे इसमें फेल हो गए। यह विडंबना ही है कि सबसे कम अंक उन्हें जीव विज्ञान में ही मिले थे।
बहन के दहेज के जुटाए पैसों से की पढ़ाई

मेंडल का पूरा जीवन संघर्ष में बीता। उनके पिता किसान थे। स्कूल के दिनों में मेंडल टच्यूशन कर अपने खर्च का इंतजाम करते थे। जब वे कॉलेज जाने के लायक हुए तो दुर्भाग्य से उसी समय उनके पिता की मौत हो गई। उनके परिवार पर संकट का पहाड़ टूट पड़ा। पिता ने अपनी खेती और सारा कारोबार बड़ी बेटी और दामाद को सौंप दिया था। जब मेंडल ने अपनी बहन, बहनोई से मदद मांगी तो उन्होंने मुंह फेर लिया। ऐसे समय में उनकी छोटी बहन तेरेजिया ने अपने दहेज के लिए जुटाए गए धन में से कुछ रुपए देकर मेंडल की मदद की और उन्हें आगे पढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित किया।

मेंडल ने उगाए थे तीस हजार से अधिक पौधे

साधारण से दिखने वाले मटर के पौधों पर शोध कर आनुवांशिकी के सिद्धांत देने वाले मेंडल ने अपने शोधकाल में 30,000 से अधिक पौधे उगाए थे। आठ साल तक चलने वाले इस शोध के लिए मेंडल ने सात जोड़ी स्पष्ट भिन्न लक्षणों वाली किस्मों को चुना।
क्या है मेंडलवाद

अपने शोध के पूरे होने पर मेंडल ने आनुवांशिकता के कुछ सिद्धांत दिए। उनके सिद्धांत को मेंडलवाद कहा जाता है। उन्होंने कहा कि आनुवांशिकता में एक पीढ़ी से दूसरी पीढ़ी में चारित्रिक लक्षणों के हस्तांतरण में ये चारित्रिक लक्षण सम्मिश्रित नहीं होते और फीके नहीं पड़ते जैसा की उस समय के वैज्ञानिक मानते थे। उन्होंने बताया कि इसके केंद्र में अवश्य ही कोई ठोस अविभाज्य इकाई या कण है। हां आनुवांशिकता की ये इकाइयां भले ही पहली संकर पीढ़ी में एक समान रहें, लेकिन अगली पीढ़ी में फिर से एक निश्चित अनुपात में प्रकट होती हैं।

Source : Bhaskar EPaper News

Wild, Funny Spoofs of Higgs Boson Go Viral on Internet

Higgs Boson Go Viral on Internet : A Household Terms in USA

Some news are sugesting scientists are very close to detect it. Some people are saying it is already discovered but due technical/other confidential reasons , its results are not disclosed.

Some news are saying that it will be discovered by the end 2012.

Higgs, Scientists calling it GOD Particle. And it is behind all creation of Universe.
It it the particle to explain Physics and yet to be discovered.

Russian scientists are making there own LHC ( Large Hadron Collider ) to experimement it.

The Higgs boson spoofs don't seem to be limited to a cartoon or two. Setting the physics of the progressing experiment aside, extensively plotted stories, open letters and even an LHC Rap are making the rounds of the Internet, amusing netizens

See News : 
(Search for the Higgs boson “God particle” narrows)

U.S. Economy Vulnerable, Again A Recession Time May Come

U.S. Economy Vulnerable, Again A Recession Time May Come

News Published on : 30th July 2011 in Bloomberg New

The world’s largest economy has yet to regain the ground it lost during the recession and may be vulnerable to a relapse.

Gross domestic product expanded at a 1.3 percent annual rate in the second quarter, after a 0.4 percent pace in the prior period, the worst six months since the recovery began in June 2009, Commerce Department figures showed yesterday. Economists said the slowdown leaves the recovery susceptible to being knocked off course by shocks at home or abroad.

“We are in a fairly risky situation,” said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS Inc. in Lexington, Massachusetts, the only firm polled by Bloomberg News to correctly forecast last quarter’s figure. “Growth is weak and there are some possible problems out there: our own fiscal situation, Europe’s debt crisis, and there is always a risk that oil prices could shoot up.”

The slow recovery left GDP at $13.27 trillion in the second quarter, below the $13.33 trillion peak of the fourth quarter of 2007, after a recession that was about 25 percent deeper than previously reported. That puts pressure on Federal Reserve policy makers to explore additional steps to boost the economy, including another round of bond purchases.
Recession Risk

“We could see a growing risk of recession in the fourth quarter, early 2012, if in fact the federal government gets it together and makes aggressive budget cuts,” LeBas said.

Economists are lowering forecasts for second-half growth in the wake of the latest GDP numbers and the stalemate in Washington. Behravesh of IHS said growth would at best reach 2 percent this quarter and could come in as low as 1 percent. In early July, he was projecting 3.4 percent.

Joseph LaVorgna, chief U.S. economist at Deutsche Bank Securities in New York, reduced his estimate by 1 percentage point to 2.5 percent for the third quarter, and trimmed it to 3 percent from 4.3 percent for the final three months of 2011.

Stocks Decline

Treasuries rallied, sending yields on 10-year notes to the lowest level this year, and stocks fell as economic growth trailed forecasts amid speculation lawmakers will reach a compromise to avoid a government default.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year note decreased to 2.79 percent at 4:21 p.m. yesterday in New York from 2.95 percent on July 28. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell 0.7 percent to 1,292.28.

Revisions to GDP figures going back to 2003 showed the 2007-2009 recession took a bigger bite out of the economy than previously estimated and the recovery lost momentum throughout 2010. GDP shrank 5.1 percent from the fourth quarter of 2007 to the second quarter of 2009, compared with the previously reported 4.1 percent drop.
Consumers Pull Back

Much of the weakness last quarter came from a pullback in consumer spending, which accounts for about 70 percent of the economy. Household purchases rose 0.1 percent, the smallest gain since the April-June quarter of 2009. The slump reflected a 4.4 percent plunge in purchases of durable goods like automobiles.

Higher expenses for food and energy may have curtailed spending on less essential items. The cost of a gallon of regular gasoline climbed in May to about $4 a gallon, the highest in almost three years, according to AAA, the nation’s biggest auto group.

The absence of faster job growth is also weighing on Americans. The unemployment rate climbed to 9.2 percent in June while payrolls grew by 18,000, the fewest in nine months, Labor Department figures showed on July 8.
Employment Outlook

The employment outlook remains dim. Whitehouse Station, New Jersey-based Merck & Co., the second-largest U.S. drugmaker, said yesterday that it plans to cut an additional 12,000 to 13,000 jobs by 2015. Earlier this month, announcements showed Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO) will trim about 6,500 jobs worldwide; Goldman Sachs Group Inc. may reduce staff by about 1,000, and Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) will offer a voluntary separation plan to 6,500 employees.
Source : 

Madelyn Hutson Volleyball Player - USA

Madelyn Hutson Volleyball Player - USA 

Year of Birth : 1992
Date of Birth : 20 August 1992
Home:  Brentwood, Tennessee
Height : 6 Feet 6 Inches
Weight: 190 lbs
Club Team/Coach: Impact Volleyball Club (Nashville, Tenn.) / Jay Golsteyn

High School/Grad Year: Ravenwood High School (Franklin, Tenn.) / 2011

College Status: University of Texas

INTERNATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS: 2008 – NORCECA Girls’ Youth Continental Championship (Gold).

USA VOLLEYBALL HIGHLIGHTS: 2011- Selected to the U.S. Women's Junior National Training Team... 2009 – Selected to the U.S. Girls’ Youth National Training Team. 2008 – Part of gold-medal winning team which won the gold medal at the NORCECA Girls’ Youth Continental Championship, which qualified the U.S. into the 2009 FIVB World Championship. Scored nine points (8 kills, 1 block) at the NORCECA Championship…Attended USA Volleyball Holiday Camp at Chula Vista, Calif. 2007 – Helped lead team to gold medal at the USA Volleyball High Performance Championship and was named All-Tournament Team.

CLUB/PREP HIGHLIGHTS: 2008 – Selected All-District and All-Tournament while playing for Ravenwood High School. 2007 – Selected All-District and All-Tournament while playing for Ravenwood High School. 2004 – Began playing club volleyball with Impact 141.

PERSONAL: Born Madelyn Leslie Hutson on Aug. 20, 1992, in Nashville, Tenn… Parents are John and Jane Hutson…Sister is Kathryn Hutson (1996)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

वे आठ जिनसे मृत्यु भी डरती है

हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार - वे आठ जिनसे मृत्यु भी डरती है

कहावत है कि मृत्यु के सामने किसी का भी बस नहीं चलता है। किन्तु हर नियम और सिंद्धात के साथ ही कोई न कोई अपवाद भी जुड़ा होता है। अपवाद की इस सर्व व्यापकता से मोत भी नहीं बच पाई है। आज यदि किसी से यह कहा जाए कि इस पृथ्वी पर कोई एसा भी है जो कि हजारों वर्षों से जिंदा है। वो कोई एक नहीं बल्कि पूरे आठ हैं। उन अद्भुत महाप्राणधारी अमर आत्माओं को अष्ट चिरंजीवी के नाम से जाना एवं पहचाना जाता है। यह सुनकर सहसा ही किसी को विश्वास नहीं होगा। किन्तु जो कहा जा रहा है वह पूर्णत: प्रामाणिक तथा शास्त्रसम्मत होने के साथ ही पूरी तरह विज्ञान सम्मत भी है। लीजिये रहस्य से पर्दा उठाते हुए उनके नाम कालक्रम के अनुसार ही क्रमश: प्रस्तुत हैं-

१. मार्कण्डेय : ये अति प्राचीन मुनि हैं जिनका कल्पों में भी अंत संभव नहीं है।
२. वेद-व्यास : ये ब्रह्मऋषि हैं इन्होंने ही चारों वेदों का सम्पादन एवं पुराणों का लेखन कार्य किया।
३. परशुराम : ईश्वर के चौबीस अवतारों में से एक, जो पृथ्वी को अठारह बार क्षत्रिय विहीन करने के लिये प्रसिद्ध हैं।
४. राजा बलि : अपना सर्वस्व भगवान वामन को दान कर महादानी के रूप में विख्यात हुए। इनकी भक्ति से प्रसन्न होकर स्वयं भगवान विष्णु इनके द्वारपाल बने।
५. हनुमान : भगवान शिव के ११ वें रूदा्रवतार, भगवान श्री राम के परम भक्त के रूप में प्रसिद्ध।
६.विभीषण : लंका के राजा रावण के अनुज जिन्होंने राम-रावण युद्ध में धर्म का पक्ष लेते हुए श्री राम का साथ दिया।
७. कृपाचार्य : महाभारत कालीन एक आचार्य जो कौरवों और पाण्डवों के गुरु थे।
८. अश्वत्थामा : ये कौरवों और पाण्डवों के प्रसिद्ध आचार्य द्रोणाचार्य के सुपुत्र थे। इनके मस्तक पर मणी जड़ी हुई थी।

तब समझो आ गई मौत जब इनमें न दिखे खुद की छाया

कुछ हिन्दू धर्म शाष्त्री कहते हैं कि :-  तब समझो आ गई मौत जब इनमें न दिखे खुद की छाया

जीवन का अंतिम अटल सत्य है मृत्यु। श्रीकृष्ण ने गीता में मृत्यु के संबंध में महत्वपूर्ण उपदेश दिए हैं। महाभारत युद्ध में अर्जुन ने अपने सगे-संबंधियों को देखकर धनुष-बाण रख दिए। उस श्रीकृष्ण ने अर्जुन को जीवन और मृत्यु से जुड़ा गीता का ज्ञान दिया।

श्रीकृष्ण ने गीता में बताया है कि जिस व्यक्ति ने इस धरती पर जन्म लिया उसे एक दिन मृत्यु अवश्य ही प्राप्त होगी। मानव शरीर नश्वर है और एक दिन यह अवश्य ही नष्ट भी होगा। आत्मा के संबंध में श्रीकृष्ण ने कहा है कि आत्मा अमर है और वह निश्चित समय के लिए मनुष्य का शरीर धारण करती है। इस समय अवधि के पूरा होने के बाद स्वत: ही आत्मा शरीर छोड़ देती है।

शास्त्रों के अनुसार जब मनुष्य की मृत्यु होने वाली होती है इसके कुछ दिन पूर्व से ही कई ऐसी बातें होने लगती हैं जिनसे अंदाजा लगाया जा सकता है कि व्यक्ति की मृत्यु कब होगी? वैसे तो मृत्यु के संबंध में किसी भी प्रकार की पूर्व भविष्यवाणी करना असंभव सा ही है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र से किसी भी व्यक्ति की मृत्यु का संभावित दिन मालुम किया जा सकता है। इसके अलावा कुछ असामान्य घटनाएं जब घटने लगती हैं तो मृत्यु का संकट शुरू हो जाता है। शास्त्रों के अनुसार जब किसी व्यक्ति को पानी, घी, तेल में स्वयं की परछाई दिखाई देना बंद हो जाए तो उस व्यक्ति की आयु करीब 7 दिनों की शेष है। मृत्यु का समय निकट आते ही व्यक्ति की आंखें कमजोर हो जाती हैं और उन्हें ठीक से दिखाई देना बंद हो जाता है लेकिन अकाल मृत्यु के संबंध में यह बात लागू नहीं होती है।

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fermilab Discovers New Particle Xi-sub-b (baryon)

Fermilab Discovers New Particle Xi-sub-b (baryon)
A Predicted Hadron Has Been Found

It is not the Higgs Boson (GOD Particle) , It is Xi-sub-b is a baryon, meaning it's made up of quarks, one of the fundamental building blocks of matter.

Its components are an up quark, a down quark, and a "strange" quark, which is a heavier variant of the down quark. A normal neutron, which doesn't typically disintegrate in an instant, is made up of two down quarks and an up quark.

In addition to the new particle, scientists at Fermilab say they may be on the verge of proving or disproving the existence of the long-sought-after Higgs-boson, which is thought to be the key to how mass itself comes into being. If it exists, Fermilab's Tevatron particle collider is "close to reaching the critical sensitivity" required to see its effects.

Baryons are particles formed of three quarks, in different configurations. The proton is a baryon that consists of two up and one down quark, and the neutron is two down and one up. The Xi-sub-b has an up quark, a strange quark (yes, that’s its real name) and a heavy bottom quark (again, real name), meaning that it weighs around six times as much as a proton or neutron.

A Hadron is a kind of particle, made of quarks. There are two kinds of hadrons, baryons (made out of three quarks) and mesons (made out of a quark and a quirky quark known as an antiquark).

The neutral Xi-sub-b belongs to the family of bottom baryons, which are about six times heavier than the proton and neutron because they all contain a heavy bottom quark. The particles are produced only in high-energy collisions, and are rare and very difficult to observe.

The Tevatron, located outside Chicago, will be shut down in September. The facility has been made obsolete by the Europe's Large Hadron Collider, currently the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Actor Vivek Shauq passes away at 47

Actor Vivek Shauq expired by a Heart Attack at 47

Theatre, television and film actor Vivek Shauq passed away in a Mumbai hospital on January 10 at the age of 47. He underwent a “minor operation” last week but slipped into coma after that and could not be revived.

He suffered a heart attack on January 3 and was admitted to Jupiter Hospital in Thane.'' Shauq's funeral is on Tuesday at 4 pm at Sant Nirankari Mission." Vivek acted in Maa Tujhe Salaam, International Khiladi, Aitraaz, Ab Tumhare Hawale Waton Saathiyon, 36 China Town and Humko Deewana Kar Gaye.

His first Hindi film is Barsaat Ki Raat in 1998 and became noticed in Gadar Ek Prem Katha. Director Anil Sharma said, " I really don't know if there was any stress in his life. He was jovial. His death is a shock to us.''

He acted in a number of Hindi and Punjabi films, and prominent among them were Delhii Heights, Aitraaz, 36 China Town, Hum Ko Deewana Kar Gaye, Asa Nu Maan Watna Da, Dil Hai Tumara, Mini Punjab and Nalaik.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Actor Navin Nischol dies of heart attack at the of 65 Years

Actor Navin Nischol expired of heart attack at the of 65 Years on 19th March 2011

Noted Bollywood actor Navin Nischol passed away here on Saturday after a massive heart attack.

The 65-year-old actor was travelling to Pune along with actor-filmmaker Randhir Kapoor in a car that morning, when he suffered a cardiac arrest. Mr. Nischol was immediately taken to a nearby hospital, but was declared dead upon arrival.

The funeral took place this evening in the presence of family members and friends from the film industry. The actor’s daughter Natasha, mother Kamla and brother Praveen were present.

He had made his debut with "Saawan Bhadon" in 1970. His last release was "Break ke Baad".

When Nischol made his debut as a hero in "Saawan Bhadon" in 1970, he was labelled the poor man's Rajesh Khanna. Khanna was at the peak of his career then, and had given a superhit — "Kati Patang" the same year. Nischol instantly clicked with the audience, and went on to a silver jubilee at the box office with his debut film. The film also saw the debut of Rekha, Roopesh Kumar, Jayshree T and Ranjeet.

A product of the FTII, Nischol made a successful debut with 'Sawan Bhadon' in 1970 and went on to star in several films like 'Victoria No 203', 'Dhund', 'Chhalia', 'Parwana', 'Buddha Mil Gaya', and later as character actor in 'Major

Saab', 'The Burning Train' aming others.

In the early 90s, he had made a successful transition to the small screen with the popular sitcom 'Dekh Bhai Dekh' alongside Farida Jalal, Shekhar Suman. The show was produced by Jaya Bachchan.

He was last seen in films like 'Khosla ka Ghosla' (2006) and Break ke Baad (2010). His wife had committed suicide in 2006.

His wife, Geetanjali, committed suicide in 2006.

Actress Rasika Joshi passes away

Actress Rasika Joshi expired at the age of 39 only

Noted film and Marathi theatre actor Rasika Joshi passed away here on Thursday after a brief illness of cancer. She was 39.

Joshi, who fighting with cancer, died at a nursing home in Bandra, family members said.

Rasika was also working with RGV in the upcoming “Not a Love Atory”. Calling her death a loss, RGV said,

Rasika was immensely popular through "Bandini" and she did a notable role in ''Malamal Weekly'', ''Ek Hasina Thi'' and ''Bhul-Bhullaiyya''.

Friday, July 15, 2011

LHC releases first Higgs search results

LHC(Large Hedron Collider) releases first Higgs search results

The Higgs boson, the elusive particle thought to give all others mass, is the most hyped of all the discoveries that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is expected to make. Now the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the LHC has cast its first glance on this prize.

Excitement must be tempered. The LHC, at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, can't yet compete with the Tevatron at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, in hunting for the Higgs as predicted by the standard model, particle physics's most successful framework.

But, as revealed in a paper posted to the online Physics Arxiv on Saturday, the LHC is already closing in on the version of the Higgs that appears in an alternative, more exotic framework.

For the first time, the Tevatron - formerly the world's most powerful particle smasher and the last experiment to narrow down the possible masses that the Higgs might have - can hear a second set of footsteps on its main stomping ground.

The Tevatron experiments have acquired more than 10 inverse femtobarns of data over the collider's 27 year lifetime - nearly 28 times the amount of data collected by the LHC experiments so far.

With this data, it has been steadily closing the window of possible standard model Higgs masses, ruling out those between 158 and 175 giga electronvolts (GeV). Combined with the previous limit from the Large Electron Positron collider, the elusive boson is thought to hide between 114 and 158 GeV - if it fits into the standard model.

In the recent paper, CMS has considered the Higgs boson in a more exotic framework in which the six known quarks are extended to eight and the three known electron-like particles to four.
The researchers find that if our universe is harboring this "extra generation" of matter, the Higgs is unlikely to have a mass between 144 and 207 GeV. Coupled with the Tevatron's exclusion of the range of 131 to 204 GeV, this slightly narrows the possible mass range for the Higgs within this exotic framework.

The LHC is still in the stage of gathering data and proving the reliability of its experiments, but if the new accelerator keeps the pace it set in 2010, it could seize the Higgs baton from the Tevatron, even for standard model Higgs searches, this summer

Source :

The three Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments that study lead ion collisions all presented their latest results today at the annual Quark Matter conference, held this year in Annecy, France. The results are based on analysis of data collected during the last two weeks of the 2010 LHC run, when the LHC switched from protons to lead-ions. All experiments report highly subtle measurements, bringing heavy-ion physics into a new era of high precision studies.

In its infancy, just microseconds after the Big Bang, the universe consisted of a plasma of quarks and gluons (QGP), the fundamental building blocks of matter. By colliding heavy ions, physicists can turn back time and recreate the conditions that existed back then, allowing us to understand the evolution of the early universe.

Results from the ALICE experiment have provided evidence that the matter created in lead ion collisions is the densest ever observed, over 100000 times hotter than the interior of the sun and denser than neutron stars. These conditions allow the properties of the plasma to be studied with unprecedented detail. ALICE has confirmed the RHIC experiments' finding that QGP behaves almost like an ideal fluid with minimal viscosity. ALICE's presentation also discussed the behaviour of energetic particles in the QGP medium

Source :

Large Hadron Collider: Final Synchronization Test A Success

Large Hadron Collider: Final Synchronization Test A Success i.e Successfully Executed

CERN has announced the success of the second and final test of the Large Hadron Collider’s beam synchronization systems. The test will allow the LHC operations team to inject the first beam into the LHC

Friday evening (August 22, 2008), a single bunch of a few particles travelled down the transfer line from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) accelerator to the LHC. After a period of optimization, one bunch was kicked up from the transfer line into the LHC beam pipe and steered counter-clockwise about 3 kilometres around the LHC.

“Thanks to a fantastic team, both the clock-wise and counter-clockwise tests went without a hitch. We look forward to a resounding success when we make our first attempt to send a beam all the way around the LHC,” said Lyn Evans, LHC Project Leader.

Source :

Purpose of LHC Test : To know creation of Universe, Time Travelling Possibility, Longevity, Existence of God Particle Higgs Boson

Some People have fear about these tests : Impact on Earth, Nature & Living Being

Is time travel possible ? Physics of the Impossible

Is time travel possible ? Physics of the Impossible

Newton said : Time is like arrow, once fired never returns back. One Second on earth is equal to one second on Jupitor.

 Einstein said : Time was  like just like a river, which moved around stars and galaxies, speeding up around light bodies and slowing down as it passed around massive bodies. One second on the earth was Not one second on Jupitor. Clocks scattered throughout the universe and runs with a different speed.

Einstein’s neighbor at Princeton, Kurt Goedel, perhaps the greatest mathematical logician of the past 500 years, found a new solution to Einstein’s own equations which allowed for time travel! The “river of time” now had whirlpools in which time could wrap itself into a circle. Goedel’s solution was quite ingenious: it postulated a universe filled with a rotating fluid. Anyone walking along the direction of rotation would find themselves back at the starting point, but backwards in time!

In his memoirs, Einstein wrote that he was disturbed that his equations contained solutions that allowed for time travel. But he finally concluded: the universe does not rotate, it ex- pands (i.e. as in the Big Bang theory) and hence Goedel’s solution could be thrown out for “physical reasons.” (Apparently, if the Big Bang was rotating, then time travel would be possible throughout the universe!)

Then in 1963, Roy Kerr, a New Zealand mathematician, found a solution of Einstein’s equations for a rotating black hole, which had bizarre properties. The black hole would not collapse to a point (as previously thought) but into a spinning ring (of neutrons). The ring would be circulating so rapidly that centrifugal force would keep the ring from collapsing under gravity. The ring, in turn, acts like the Looking Glass of Alice. Anyone walking through the ring would not die, but could pass through the ring into an alternate universe. Since then, hundreds of other “wormhole” solutions have been found to Einstein’s equations. These wormholes connect not only two regions of space (hence the name) but also two regions of time as well. In principle, they can be used as time machines.

Now new solution of quantum theory to gravity (and hence create a “theory of everything”) have given us some insight into the paradox problem. In the quantum theory, we can have multiple states of any object. For example, an electron can exist simultaneously in different orbits (a fact which is responsible for giving us the laws of chemistry). Similarly, Schrodinger’s famous  can exist simultaneously in two possible states: dead and alive. So by going back in time and altering the past, we merely create a parallel universe. So we are changing someone ELSE’s past by saving, say, Abraham Lincoln from being assassinated at the Ford Theater, but our Lincoln is still dead. In this way, the river of time forks into two separate rivers. But does this mean that we will be able to jump into H.G. Wells’ machine, spin a dial, and soar several hundred thousand years into England’s future? No. There are a number of difficult hurdles to overcome.

Stephen Hawking once opposed the idea of time travel. He even claimed he had “empirical” evidence against it. If time travel existed, he said, then we would have been visited by tourists from the future. Since we see no tourists from the future, ergo: time travel is not possible. Because of the enormous amount of work done by theoretical physicists within the last 5 years or so, Hawking has since changed his mind, and now believes that time travel is possible (although not necessarily practical). (Furthermore, perhaps we are simply not very interesting to these tourists from the future. Anyone who can harness the power of a star would consider us to be very primitive. Imagine your friends coming across an ant hill. Would they bend down to the ants and give them trinkets, books, medicine, and power? Or would some of your friends have the strange urge to step on a few of them?)

Source :  (Michio Kaku - I M Possible Physics)
Hadron Collider is Producing Nano-Blackholes

Like many physicists, Michio Kaku thinks our universe will end in a "big freeze." However, unlike many physicists, he thinks we might be able to avoid this fate by slipping into a parallel universe. "i

One of the most fascinating discoveries of our new century may be imminent if the Large Hadron Collider outside Geneva produces nano-blackholes when it goes live again. According to the best current physics, such nano blackholes could not be produced with the energy levels the LHC can generate, but could only come into being if a parallel universe were providing extra gravitational input. Versions of multiverse theory suggest that there is at least one other universe very close to our own, perhaps only a millimeter away. This makes it possible that some of the effects, especially gravity, "leak through," which could be responsible for the production of dark energy and dark matter that make up 96% of the universe.

"The multiverse is no longer a model, it is a consequence of our models," says Aurelien Barrau, particle physicist at CERN

While it hasn’t been proven yet, many highly respected and credible scientists are now saying there’s reason to believe that parallel dimensions could very well be more than figments of our imaginations.

"The idea of multiple universes is more than a fantastic invention—it appears naturally within several scientific theories, and deserves to be taken seriously," stated Aurelien Barrau, a French particle physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

There are a variety of competing theories based on the idea of parallel universes, but the most basic idea is that if the universe is infinite, then everything that could possibly occur has happened, is happening, or will happen.

According to quantum mechanics, nothing at the subatomic scale can really be said to exist until it is observed. Until then, particles occupy uncertain "superposition" states, in which they can have simultaneous "up" and "down" spins, or appear to be in different places at the same time. The mere act of observing somehow appears to "nail down" a particular state of reality. Scientists don’t yet have a perfect explanation for how it occurs, but that hasn’t changed the fact that the phenomenon does occur.

Unobserved particles are described by "wave functions" representing a set of multiple "probable" states. When an observer makes a measurement, the particle then settles down into one of these multiple options, which is somewhat how the multiple universe theory can be explained.

The existence of such a parallel universe "does not even assume speculative modern physics, merely that space is infinite and rather uniformly filled with matter as indicated by recent astronomical observations," Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at MIT in Boston, Massachusetts concluded in a study of parallel universes published by Cambridge University.

Mathematician Hugh Everett published landmark paper in 1957 while still a graduate student at Princeton University. In this paper he showed how quantum theory predicts that a single classical reality will gradually split into separate, but simultaneously existing realms.

"This is simply a way of trusting strictly the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics," says Barrau. "The worlds are not spatially separated, but exist as kinds of 'parallel' universes."

Partly because the idea is so uncomfortably strange, it’s dismissed as sci-fi by many critics. But there are also many credible, respected proponents of the theory—a group that is continuously gaining new adherents as new research unveils new evidence. Some Oxford research—for the first time—recently found a mathematical answer that sweeps away one of the key objections to the controversial idea. Their research shows that Everett was indeed on the right track when he came up with his multiverse theory. The Oxford team, led by Dr David Deutsch, showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum outcomes.

But if parallel worlds do exist, there is a way around these troublesome paradoxes. Deutsch argues that time travel shifts happen between different branches of reality. The mathematical breakthrough bolsters his claim that quantum theory does not forbid time travel. "It does sidestep it. You go into another universe," he said. But he admits that there will be a lot of work to do before we can manipulate space-time in a way that makes “hops” possible. While it may sound fanciful, Deutsch says that scientific research is continually making the theory more believable.

"Many sci-fi authors suggested time travel paradoxes would be solved by parallel universes but in my work, that conclusion is deduced from quantum theory itself."

The borderline between physics and metaphysics is not defined by whether an entity can be observed, but whether it is testable, insists Tegmark.

He points to phenomena such as black holes, curved space, the slowing of time at high speeds, even a round Earth, which were all once rejected as scientific heresy before being proven through experimentation, even though some remain beyond the grasp of observation. It is likely, Tegmark concludes that multiverse models grounded in modern physics will eventually be empirically testable, predictive and disprovable
Source :

What I think about time travel and creation of Universe :

Time Travel is definitely possible today OR tomarrow, It is not a fiction.
As We move forward in time then certainly We can travel back in time also.
But problem arises with paradoxes : Do We change past ?
If concept of parallel Universe is correct as per quantum mechanics theory (A particle can have multiple states simultaneously), then We change history/past also.
We see each & every particles have its anti particle also : i.e Positive  & Negative
for e.g.  Electron -> Positron
For each matter, its Anti matter also present. So that it can be destroyed to release energy.
And on the same concept there may be Negative/Anti Universe can also possible.

In Hinduism, 1 Second of Brahma's is equivalent to more than 1000 years of human.
i.e Time moves with different different speeds in Universe.
We are still ignorant of Science/Creation of Universe. Nature is brilliant in its creation : Green Trees have green insects ( Are these insects use science to change there colours to protect themselves from other creatures).
How Creatures/Animals developed to there survival and how there destroyer developed skills to kill such creatures/animals. ( Do they use science OR there is some thinking power for there development, We don't know, And We are thinking of Lemark's OR Darwin's principle, And it is unlear how each/every creature developed in such a way to change even colour, eyes, flying, othere special possibilities).

We are asking - If God created this universe, then from Where God comes.
But there is one more question : How this matter & energy is created. How Big bang comes, And what happend before Big Bang.Do We ceated from ZERO (And Positive & Negative energy creates, But How & Why it creates)

There is one more possibility, May be there is some advanced civilization who now so advance that they works like GOD.
And may be We can achieve such stage in future.


As We are editing video films/ photo (Which is a past event) , One day human being may go to past/future
(For e.g. Light of thousand years far star reaches us after thousands of years, And that time We see past of that star, While observer on that star is in future of that star.)
, And can rereate same things once again.
( I have firm beleive on this, And I hope it can't be disprove).
Each and every particle absorbes/release energy at each & every moment when the event happens. And When We are able to decode this particle energy then We can create picture of past event happened.
And on the basis of that We can recreate the same.


Each & every thing is possible with a positive direction/ positive energy.

Negative people can't find a solution.

I am saluting Mr. Ronald Mellat for his brave effort to try to bring his father back, And giving us many valuable information.
I am saluting to the scientists, Who gives us so many things and a great platform to futhur developments.
I felt now new developments can be fastly possible through Internet, which can works like a water at the time of origin of universe through which many species combined to create complicated species.

I hate terrorists, Who don't know what is the value of a life, Don't know the purpose/meaning of there objectives.

World's all religion should think & work in a Unified approach.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Heart attacks & First Aid

Heart attacks & First Aid

A heart attack is one of the most common life-threatening heart conditions in the India

If you suspected someone was having a heart attack, what would you do? : -

Heart attack symptoms - lips turning blue , profuse sweating , extreme gasping for air , sudden fainting or dizziness , persistent, vice-like central chest pain.

Treatment for heart attacks

1. Sit the person down.
2. Call an ambulance immediately, even if you are not sure about the symptoms.
3. If the person is conscious, give them a 300 mg tablet of aspirin to chew.
The main risk is that the heart will stop beating. Be prepared to resuscitate if necessary.
Source :


•Severe chest pain that doesn't ease with rest
•Breathlessness and nausea
•Sense of doom
•Irregular pulse
•Ashen, cold skin and blue lips
Heart attack – emergency first aid

What should you do if someone has a heart attack?

A heart attack will cause severe chest pains behind the breast bone, often radiating towards the left arm.
If someone has a cardiac arrest or heart attack, there may be only a few minutes to act before it is too late. It is vital to know what to do beforehand.
To perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and artificial respiration (mouth to mouth resuscitation) effectively, training and frequent practice on resuscitation dummies are essential.

How can you tell if someone is having a heart attack?

If the person is unconscious:
are they breathing? Look at the patient's chest to see if it is rising and falling
do they have a pulse? Place two fingers on one or other side of the person's voice box in their throat to feel if they have a carotid pulse.

If the patient has a pulse but is not breathing:
Could it be because of suffocation? Feel inside the mouth with a finger to see if there is anything blocking it or the windpipe and remove any food or other objects. Provided that dentures are not broken, it is better not to remove them

call for help immediately, stating that the casualty is not breathing, and provide resuscitation (see below) until the patient begins to breathe or the ambulance arrives.

If there is no breathing or pulse, the patient has had a cardiac arrest.
What help is needed?

Immediately place the palm of your hand flat on the patient's chest just over the lower part of the sternum (breast bone) and press your hand in a pumping motion once or twice by using the other hand. This may make the heart beat again.

If these actions do not restore a pulse or if the subject doesn't begin to breathe again:
call for help, stating that the casualty is having a cardiac arrest but stay with the patient find out if any one else present knows CPR provide artificial respiration immediately (see below) begin CPR immediately (see below).
How to give artificial respiration
Tilt the head back and lift up the chin.
Pinch the nostrils shut with two fingers to prevent leakage of air.
Take a deep breath and seal your own mouth over the person's mouth.
Breathe slowly into the person's mouth – it should take about two seconds to adequately inflate the chest.
Do this twice.
Check to see if the chest rises as you breathe into the patient.
If it does, enough air is being blown in.
If there is resistance, try to hold the head back further and lift the chin again.
Repeat this procedure until help arrives or the person starts breathing again.
How do I perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)?
See if there is breathing. If not, start artificial respiration as described above. Checking for a pulse in the neck (carotid artery) may waste valuable time if the rescuer is inexperienced in this check. The procedure is:
place your fingers in the groove between the windpipe and the muscles of the side of the neck. Press backwards here to check for a pulse.
If there is no pulse, or if you are unsure, then proceed without delay thus:
look at the person's chest and find the 'upside-down V' shaped notch that is made by the lower edge of the ribcage. Place your middle finger in this notch and then place your index finger beside it, resting on the breastbone. Take the heel of your other hand and slide it down the breastbone until it is touching this index finger. The heel of your hand should now be positioned on the middle of the lower half of the breastbone.
now place the heel of your other hand on top of the first. Keep your fingers off the chest, by locking them together. Your pressure should be applied through the heels of the hands only.
keep your elbows straight, and bring your body weight over your hands to make it easier to press down.
press down firmly and quickly to achieve a downwards movement of 4 to 5cm, then relax and repeat the compression.
do this 15 times, then give artificial respiration twice, and continue this 15:2 procedure until help arrives.
aim for a rate of compression of about 100 per minute. You can help your timing and counting by saying out loud 'one and two and three and four ...' etc.
Artificial respiration and CPR should both be performed at the same time
If possible, get someone else to help – one person to perform artificial respiration and the other to perform CPR. (This is not easily done without prior practice and it is well worth attending sessions on CPR training to become familiar with the technique.)
The ratio of chest compressions to breaths is 15:2 for both one-person and two-person CPR.
Continue until the ambulance arrives or the patient gets a pulse and starts to breathe again.
If the pulse returns and breathing begins but the person remains unconscious, roll them gently onto their side into the recovery position. This way mucus or vomit can get out of the mouth and will not obstruct the patient's breathing. It also prevents the tongue from falling back and blocking the air passage.
Make sure the patient continues breathing and has a pulse until the ambulance arrives
If you succeed in resuscitating the person who has been taken ill, he or she may be confused and alarmed by all the commotion. Keep the patient warm and calm by quietly, but clearly, telling them what has happened.
Again, it needs to be emphasised that the only way to provide proper first aid and resuscitation is through learning the technique, then regular practice and guidance.

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Aspirin works to help prevent blood clots.

During a suspected heart attack, aspirin can play a critical lifesaving role if taken as directed by a doctor.

Research has shown that aspirin reduces the risk of death by 23 percent if administered when a heart attack is suspected and for 30 days thereafter. Aspirin can also lessen the damaging effects of the heart attack. The use of aspirin as a “heart attack first aid” could potentially save 10,000 lives each year.

The mechanism by which aspirin works in the treatment of heart attack is not completely understood. However, we do know that aspirin help reduce platelet clumping or blood clotting which helps cause blockage in blood vessels.